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21 | break up with your
girlfriend, i'm bored.

"nah y'all don't understand i'm excited." nini wore her break sweater then sprayed perfume on her afterwards.

"right? like this is the most exciting thing that's every happened at school.." ashlyn stated before she took a bite out of her pre-made pancakes.

"..is it though? i mean the relationship drama between nini and a certain someone-" gina cut herself off by laughing as ej, carlos and ashlyn laughed along with her.

"y'all are annoying." nini slightly giggled, only throwing a soft pillow at them.

"you're the one who made the song not us." ej shrugged as he and the other except nini laughed. "BLONDE HAIR FALLS JUST ABOVE HER SHOULDERS." ej shouts-singing the lyrics to her song.

"she's nineteen but she looks a little older, with a pretty queen smile, a cool vintage style, you're obsessed with her but i don't blame you for it." gina sang along with ej, and both teens locked eyes.

"ooo what's all this?" carlos smirked watching gina and ej lowkey flirt through their eyes.

"lily isn't even nineteen." ashlyn giggled at the misinformation in nini's lyrics.

"it's a misdirection, you bitch." nini playfully attacked the red-headed girl. "go make out with big red or something.

"OH THATS NOT WHERE WE ARE GONNA GO." ashlyn began chasing nini throughout her room. "you go fuck ricky in a classroom or something, yall did it before it's not a problem."

"BITCH." nini gasped throwing pillows at ashlyn, while carlos was dying with laughter, ej and gina still singing nini's song with them only focusing on each other.

"WHORE." ashlyn clapped back, as she chuckled.


"ok we get it, yall suck men's dicks." carlos laughed when he saw both girls give him a glare.

"i'm not gonna say anything except one word-sebastian." nini blurted, and carlos stood up, gasping.

"ok ok, ashlyn we gon' team up against this flop." carlos stood beside ashlyn.

"y'all gonna stop play fighting like kindergarteners orr." ej stated finally stoops singing the song nini wrote.

"oh you're alive!" nini raised her eyebrows, "thought you got lost in gina's eyes."

"shut the fuck up ricky lover." gina teased the brunette girl, nini jokingly rolled her eyes. she walked back to her suit case and closed it.

carol knocked on nini's door before opening, "are you guys ready to go now?" carol asked, all the teens replied with a 'yes'.

they grabbed their suit cases and loaded up in the jeep. the whole ride, all the teens were either singing to the music playing on the radio or having one big conversation. they arrived at the school, carol said her goodbyes and the students stepped into the school bus.

nini's group of friends and ricky's group of friends all sat in one bus, but nini and ricky didn't care because they never once paid attention to the other the whole ride.

𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗎𝗇𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽 [ 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘪  ]Where stories live. Discover now