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6 | it's fun before it hurts

every other day in third period it's nini or ricky who texts the other to meet up either in a empty classroom or the janitors closet to make out. they just couldn't resist the urge of feeling each other's lips on their own, and picking them close to themselves.

it was hard to pass up on, sometimes they wouldn't even meet up secretly to kiss. sometimes it was just to lean back on the desk chair or lay on the counter top and talk until
the period is over. everytime they'd say they need to leave earlier to go back to class, but they never do. they lose track of time, getting lost in the other's lips or the conversations.

conversations over the last 3 and a half months they spent away from each other. it was fun, the two would always give one last kiss before leaving to their next period and once they left they'd leave with a huge smile on their faces.

one that can leave a scar once it comes down to stopping the secret meet ups. because although they enjoy all this time together. neither of them brought up the dating topic, so they weren't together.

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"ricky mf bowen

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"ricky mf bowen." kourtney walked up to the table her friends sat at. she sat down, glaring at the boy. "you're an actual idiot if you are fucking around with nini."

"who said the i was fucking with nini?" ricky scrunched his brows as he took a bite out of his sandwich. kourtney stared down at him but ricky didn't break at all. "that could be about anyone." he shrugged.

"whatever, but if it is. i'm literally going to disown you because that bitch is fucking annoying." kourtney complains, ricky just laughs off the insult about nini.

"not saying that it is her, but if it was. i don't think it's a big deal. plus it's just a fling." he shrugged.

nini, ej, ash, carlos and gina entered the cafeteria, nini, ej, ash, and gina expected to be seated at their usual table but instead carlos went to sit down with ricky and his friends.
"uhh?" ej looked at his other friends who shared their confusion with him. "los, what the fuck?"

"since it's known to the entire world know, we will be sitting with my boyfriend now." carlos grinned, nini, ej, ash, and gina groaned in frustration as they sat down at the table with carlos.

"hmm. this is weird." ricky stated, not taking his eyes off nini.

"seb..are you serious? just because y'all are dating it doesn't mean y'all should sit here." kourtney rolled her eyes in annoyance. big red just sat there eating his sandwich awkwardly as the rest were arguing.

"do you like..have a problem or something?" nini snapped at the girl who kept looking at her. kourtney scoffed.

"yeah, my problem is you." kourtney flipped the middle finger at the brunette girl.

"kourt, it isn't that deep." ricky placed his hand on kourtney's hand, pulling it down. "you are doing wayy to much."

"bitch." nini muttered right before she took a bite out of her burger. "what did you say?" kourtney raised her brow, at nini.

"nothing." nini shrugged, kourtney scoffed lowly as she went back to eating. "i just think it's so funny, how you claim to hate me. but apparently you love speaking on me." nini spoke up again, glaring at the girl next to her.

"bitch." kourtney forcefully and sarcastically laughed loudly. "you really think i love speaking on you—"

"oh shut the fuck up, you literally were just eyeing her, until your guardian stopped you from being a bitch." gina stepped in, snapping at kourtney.

"how am i her guardian? and no one was fucking talking to you. you're literally nini's pet. following her around like a lost pup—" ricky was cut off by nini.

"fuck off richard." nini rolled her eyes, "gina is my friends. you wouldn't know cause you change your friends every 2-3 business days."

"oh now you're claiming that i'm supposedly cheating on my friends too? how funny." ricky stated bluntly, after that the table went quiet.
with only ooo's going around.

"your an actual dick." nini stood up from the table, throwing her tray into the trash, leaving the cafeteria.

all her friends gave ricky's friends a dirty look before following nini out into the halls.

ricky rolled his eyes. "ricky...now you know damn well what you just did." big red started off.

"i know." he shrugged, "i said it for that exact reason."

"as he should." kourtney agreed, grinning.

"kourt. you literally started that argument." seb spoke up, "and ricky why would you say that knowing she regrets that everyday. she actually thought you cheated on her with that girl, and y'all broke up not even meaning too. of course it'd hurt her."

"yeah whatever." ricky scoffed, he stood up from the table and left.

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