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19 | never be like her

"so why'd you call me over?" jack asked softly? running his hands through her hair. "not that i'm complaining." he chuckled.

"becauseeee i have to tell you something." nini laid her head on his chest. "but i just wanna hang out right now before i do." she sighs.

"what do you need to tell me?" jack furrowed his brows. "we can hang out after, watch a movie or whatever."

nini sat up properly on the bed as she cleared her throat. "uh—i don't wanna hurt you." she began. "but..i'm pretty sure you and i both know that i'm not over ricky.."

jack slightly backed away from the girl, "wait what??" he scoffed, "i thought you were..you denied it many times."

"yeah because at the time—"

"at the time?? how can you possibly be so hooked up on him. he's only ever treated you like shit!" jack stood up from nini's bed while shouting.

"jack..i don't wanna break up with you. i still like you, but i guess i also have feelings for ricky. they will go away soon—"

"nini..i really like you. but i cannot be with you while you still love your ex." jack quickly grabbed his jacket, nini grabbed his arm gently trying to stop him from leaving so soon.

"we can be together though! ricky is dating lily anyways, and—"

"nini..no. i'm sorry but i can't. it's only going to be hurting both of us." jack cleared his throat, he snatched his arm away from nini and walked out of her house.

the next day at school, ricky swung his arm around lily's shoulder, kissing her temple softly. they walked into the building and immediately his eyes connected with nini's.

they continued to look at each other, waiting for one of them to break the eye contact. but none of them did until someone interrupted with a conversation.

"uhh—as you were saying?" ashlyn snapped nini out of her trance. nini shook her head and turned her attention towards her friends.

"as i was sayinggg...jack broke up with me. and i don't blame him for it, it's weird to be with someone who still likes their ex." nini sighs, shifting her body weight from one leg to the other.

"yeahh, we can't really be mad at him." gina nodded, she then wrapped her arm around the small brunette girl. "i know you really like him though."

"i did! that's the sad part, i fucking hate myself for being in love with ricky still. especially after all these months." nini rolled her eyes, she detached herself from gina's embrace and began placing her books into her locker.

nini and her friends headed to the cafeteria as well with ricky and his friends. as before nini's group of friends sat with ricky's group of friends because carlos and seb are dating now.

the only thing that's different is ricky now has a girlfriend, lily. "fuck this is so awkward." nini whispered to gina, she shrugged her shoulders not knowing what to say.

"uhh—as you may know..now, lily is my girlfriend." ricky awkwardly announced.

"very informative. we definitely needed to know that. i'm sure it'll help us in life." ej stated sarcastically, causing his friends to laugh.

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