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30 | two birds on a wire.

"can you guys talk about lily someone where else?? this is getting annoying." nini finally snapped.

"girl then leave ??" kourtney stood up pulling the blanket off of nini. "you're always bitching about lily but fail to realize you're the real villain here."

"kourtney—" ricky tried stopping kourtney but nini interrupted.

the brunette laughed then replied; "me? the villain? you cannot be serious."

"you literally are!! YOU broke up with ricky because your dumbass wouldn't listen to him when he said he didn't fucking cheat. THEN you and ricky were hooking up, but you lowkey cheated on him with jack and THEN you and jack broke up and immediately you got sad because ricky fucking finally moved on." kourtney spilled the order and events, and it shocked nini that she knew about the secret meet ups.

"you told her about the meet ups..?" nini shiftef her attention to ricky. the curly headed boy wanted to speak up but nothing came out.

"and now you just ignored everything you've done to make yourself the victim. total bitch." kourtney rolled her eyes and sat back down.

all of ricky's friends looked at the girl, nodding along with what kourtney said. and ricky didn't say anything, not even to defend her. although, nini started to realize she was the problem.

"fine..you're right—i'm sorry.." nini apologized quietly then ran out of the hotel room—not even to hang out with her friends, but she ran out to the bonfire where she could be alone.

without hesitation ricky followed the girl outside, calling her name repeatedly. it was an instant regret for him not defending her when he should've. ricky didn't want to lose her,

not for a second time.

"nini!!" ricky called out once again "c'mon nini where are you." the boy frantically looked around, he couldn't see her anywhere because of the pitch black sky.

"why'd you follow me?" nini walked up to the boy, ricky turned around quickly—his eyes meeting nini's.

"i wanted to see you." was all ricky said, and that made nini scoff.

"really? you saw me in the hotel room and watched your friends bash me and you said NOTHING." nini rolled her eyes, "that's not even the point anymore, i don't deserve shit. kourtney made me realize i'm the problem." she shrugged as she let out a deep breath.

"kourtney is wrong. although you should've trusted me, i still should've been more clear, you shouted and i shouted back." ricky tried holding her hand, but the girl stepped back.

"please don't touch me ricky..we are long overdue."

"it's only been 7 months?? i don't think—"

"just leave me alone ricky!! you were talking about lily back in the hotel anyways." nini proceeded to shout at the curly headed boy. "saying how much you miss her, you shouldn't have said what you said, you should've ignored me." the brunette mocked ricky's voice.

"you don't fucking get to choose which days you want HER, or me. it's doesn't fucking work that way." nini shouted at his face, as tears began rolling down her cheeks. "it doesn't fucking.." her voice started to break.

"my goodness nini. are you really that blind?" ricky scoffed in disbelief, "i was just saying that to fit their 'standards', you already know kourtney doesn't like you and i've just broken up with lily..i didn't know what else to say." his voice remained soft with the girl.

"either way i'm fucking tired. this drama, this trip, your friends, everything. i'm done." the girl raised her hands up as if she surrendered.

drops of water began falling onto their faces, parallel to the time they broke up—only this time it was soft rain. "nini you don't mean that." he scrunched his eyebrows up, trying to stop himself from tears forming.

"yes i do! and i'm sorry—but we've been over for a long time now..so maybe it should stay like that. maybe the secret meet ups should've never happened. it would've been better for the both of us." nini shrugged, looking directly into ricky's eyes.

nini's saying it, but she isn't sure if she means it. ricky stared at the girl back, directly into her eyes. the eye contact never broke. tears started rolling down his face—and finally he spoke.

"you asked me 'what if..we just broke up a little earlier than the real date we were supposed to break up? we were never meant to last...would that make this on going feeling worse.., or better..?'" ricky started off, nini slightly smiled realizing he still remembered the conversation from that night.

"..i replied with worse." ricky continued as his voice began to break, "because even if this vacation never happened, the hookups never happened, the feelings i have for you will still be the same as it is now. in fact it would've been stronger because i would've had nothing to sedate me." he slightly chuckled, he reached for her hand, and this time—she allowed him.

nini was about to say something but ricky cut her off with one last sentence, "..but if you're really tired..and you truly are done with this..us..?.."

"..then i'll respect that." ricky concluded, he gave her a soft smile, finally letting go of her hand—and that made nini feel a drop in her heart.

without another second—nini quickly stopped ricky from entering the building. she scanned his eyes with her brows scrunched up.

not another word being said, but instead they say it all with their lips. nini placed both of her hands on ricky's cheeks as ricky placed his hands on her waist.

they pulled apart, then reconnected their lips. over and over again.

in the middle of the night, the two teens finally realized, you can want to say so many things, so many words, so many sentences that are all in your head.

but sometimes? they're just better left unsaid.

— end

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