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English is not my main language so please be indulgent. Nevertheless I would like to publish this story in English and also to improve myself.

Even though the story is finished, I would still love to hear from you in the comments.

Spelling and grammar is under revision.

About the main character, because people have complained:
You will meet Jyn as a person who, like many people, is the product of her environment and has been shaped by the past, extremely strongly. Not to her advantage, therefore not one of the very most sympathetic. The point was never to create an 'everybodys darling' character, but a person who has to learn to deal with his past and find a way to live in peace with it. Everyone deals differently with what happened to them. Some are better at it, others are not. Not everyone makes the best decisions in the process.

Now I wish you a lot of fun with

a.k.a. - Infinity War

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