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Hanging on the edge of the shaft, Jyn dropped onto the metal structure under her feet, after making sure there was something there, and landed with her feet first, on a bridge about ten metres above the floor of the actual ship, leading to the right and left. So far, so good. Now we had to locate the body, find Stephen and of course, not to forget, kill the body. Nothing mor.... More nic.... Ah, one thing she had almost forgotten.

Where the corrosive voice of the prune came from was not to be said at first. Right; left; no, but from the right.... Always go to the right first. Why ever Jyn did that. The platform she was on was not straight, but had a slight arch. Meaning that this construction could make a continuous circle if no wall or similar suddenly appeared.

Next to a metal pipe that went up from the floor through the ceiling and rose up in front of the bridge, Jyn stopped and squatted because she could see the body from here. Not continuous, but at least partially visible.

"What. To hell. Are you doing this," Jyn almost heard an angry Tony scream, who appeared next to her on the bridge from where she was watching Thano's helper, and Tony had to pull himself together extremely to not get any louder, "You have no business being here. Do you have death wishes?"

"Tony..... Tony..... Tony..... Tony", since the millionaire didn't listen and Jyn had to repeat his name several times and almost scream the last word himself, so that he fell silent and finally noticed how she desperately tried to hold back the tears that were already lying on her waterline, "You know why."

"Are you serious? Why... why did you sign those fucking papers then?" Despite what Jyn had said, Tony drove them again and had to pick them up where he left off, causing Jyn to cross his hands, lay them on his forehead and take a few steps looking to the ceiling, "Because you once again thought it was best. As so often. Did this have to happen before you could see that it was a mistake?"

"It didn't have to get that far. I know because it was never over," Jyn replied bitingly, blinking several times and looking at Tony without any expression, "You always wanted to hear it. Please. Now you have it. So think of something. Do something!"

"Are you yelling at me right now?" Tony replied stunned, cleared his throat and walked his finger at Jyn, pointing at her, "Don't yell at me. And don't tell me what to do."

"Then do something and help him damn it", from empty threats and screaming at him, Jyn was a big fan, so she shoved his hand aside calmly; walked towards him until their faces were only a hand's breadth apart and looked at him with a sober look, because he could take a shot at it, "Am I Iron Man or you? Have I invented all kinds of Schnick Schnack and with me? No. So. Go on. What. Fallen."

"Okay, come calm down. Everything cool. We'll come up with something for your wizard," for words like that in situations like, calm down and everything cool, you want to clap these people, especially against the nearest wall, "Jesus, as a killer you should be more in control. As a cold, callous bitch, I liked you better."

"Tomorrow, big on the front page of the Times. 'Millionaire Tony Stark Murdered'. Not too dramatic or lurid, it sums it up short and sweet", again Jyn squatted down, put her forearms down on her thighs and took a closer look at the surroundings down by the mummy and around Stephen, "I can't control myself that much on the subject".

Fortunately Stephen was conscious again; relatively unscathed, at least as far as it could be seen from a distance and so far he was left alone by the guy. The question was only. How long would this stay that way?

You didn't have to tell her how it turned out when Jyn tried to take action alone against the walking corpse. A person does not forget pain so quickly. Whether he learns from it is another question. Alone, it didn't work.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now