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Everybody knows Don't go into the light. Do not go into the light. Whoever goes into the light dies.

New plan: Go into the light.

Without thinking, Jyn sprinted directly to the right, down the street, trying not to catch up with Thano's helpers. It would have been a pointless undertaking, because the guy was simply too fast. Their only chance was to cut off the alien's way or at least not arrive too late at the spaceship due to the shortcut.

While Jyn was running down the deserted streets and sliding around the next corners, one thing was clearly noticeable. The last years of running marathons were affordable. It doesn't matter that everyone thought they had to tell her again and again that it was bullshit and a waste of time. She could use the time she invested in the training more sensibly and blah blah blah blah.... Jyn would have, but why would she, if she had fun with it, even if it sounded absurd to most?

Cutting off the way had probably been a little too high on the poker, because the prune was a lot faster than it seemed and Jyn had believed it. After the second alley the mummy had been faster again and a good distance away when it reached the end of the alley. New plan. Straight to the spaceship.

On reaching the main intersection, Tony's new protégé swung by, caught a person with his spider threads, who probably was Stephen, and was pulled up by a blue beam of light at the same moment. Spaceship reached. If the young Parker hadn't come past, Jyn would most likely have walked even further and wouldn't have confessed because the ship had landed at a completely different location than it was now.

With herself on the rag, wondering if it was a good idea, Jyn stared up at the beam and then shook her head, rejecting it, because it was anything but clever to be beamed up by a spaceship. At least it couldn't get any worse than it already was.

Not even close to the hatch of the spaceship, the light went out and Jyn landed on a metal slope where she slid straight down towards the abyss. Advantage. After this fall she was definitely dead. At the end of the slope, she turned on her belly; stuck the blade of her new favorite toy into one of the many slots in the metal, held on to it and put her toes on a narrow edge that was 30 centimeters too deep loosely so that she had to let go of the knife and look for something new to hold on to.

So the climb could begin.

The higher Jyn climbed and the alien ship climbed into the atmosphere, the longer it took to find a shaft or open hatch, the thinner the air to breathe became. Halfway, about at the height where the light beam went out and she fell down, she could see a metal plate protruding several metres away and..... And what? It could be anything. Did she ever mention how much she hated climbing? She hated it.

The protruding metal plate that Jyn had discovered was apparently part of a ventilation system, because there was a cold draft of air coming out of the not too wide gap that they wouldn't fit into. Not without helping. And so slowly it became difficult to breathe. Jyn hurriedly climbed further up, clawed herself into a notch and stepped several times against the plate until the gap was so wide that she could squeeze herself into it.

Arriving in the tunnel system of the spaceship and several meters away from the opening, Jyn pulled out her mobile phone, wiped the display with her thumb, which showed numerous jumps but worked until here, at first sight, and switched on the flashlight. Numerous pipes and cables walking along the wall in an endless tunnel where you couldn't see your hand in front of your eyes. Bravo.

No signal. Again and again a pop-up stream direction opened up, telling Jyn that she had no reception. Even after the first time she had understood that she couldn't make a phone call and that hadn't changed after nine subsequent messages.

A weak light could be seen in the distance as well as a voice that could be heard, which obviously belonged to the corpse, because there was nobody who articulated himself so swollen and in such a stupid way. Even with Loki it hadn't been that bad.

The seemingly endless path, however, was blocked by a grid at the end just before she reached her destination. The question was stuck or screwed. Never mind. Steps against should be enough. Stuck, but Jyn hadn't expected that. After her second firm kick, the grid came loose from the frame and almost fell to the ground if Jyn hadn't bent head first over the edge of the shaft and grabbed the metal piece in time. That would have been all she needed. With her other kind of luck, however, it wouldn't have been surprising if the grate had fallen to the ground with a loud crash and noticed the corpse Jyn. But it hadn't happened.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now