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Secretities make even the simplest things seem miraculous and mysterious. It gives you the power to feel passion and seduces you into becoming someone you are not. But as much as we try to keep our secrets hidden, in the end they come to light. All too often we therefore mask the truth with a trick. Hide us for fear of losing those we love. Or deceive those whom we wish to expose. We hide behind that which comforts us with sorrow and pain. Or use it to ward off a shattering certainty.

"The ship corrects the course itself," at least Tony was convinced of that, and if Tony Stark was convinced of something, then so must everyone else, not, "It's on autopilot."

"Can we control it? And fly home," but Tony had long since been mentally absent, so Stephen's question didn't go along with it or just, almost not, "Stark!"

"Yes", good to know that Tony was present in a certain way and not completely gone.

"Can you take us home," Stephen asked again with some emphasis, as Tony didn't show any serious reaction.

"Yes, I heard you," said a more introverted Tony, folding his hands in front of his body and nodding thoughtfully, "I just don't know if we should do this."

"Under no circumstances may we bring the Zeitstein to Thanos," in some ways Stephen was right, but what would be the alternative and consequences that would result, "You don't yet seem to understand what's at stake."

"What?! No! You're the one who doesn't understand that my thoughts are only about Thanos, and have been for six years. Since he sent the army to New York and now he's back. And I don't know what to do. That's why I'm not sure whether to fight in his or our precinct," which led to the two men facing each other, head to head, and Tony saying for the first time, "finally, what it is and what it was all about, you saw what they did. What they are capable of. In his territory he will expect less, so I say we bring the fight to him. Doctor. Do you agree with me?"

"All right, Stark. Let's fly to him but one thing must be clear to you. When I have to decide if I want to save you, the boy, our Jyn or the Zeitstein, I won't hesitate to let you three die," was once a clear announcement that Stephen made and Parker and Tony might have to follow to die in the near future, even if it wasn't on their plan, "I can't help it. The universe depends on it."

Beautiful. Moral compass. Then let's agree. With a bitter aftertaste, Jyn would be claimed to have noticed Tony's calm behavior all of a sudden. Nevertheless, Tony officially beat Peter to Avenger and the boy couldn't burst with more than pride if that had been possible. Nobody wants to be an Avenger.

"Let's be good," Jyn fended off directly with a raised hand and passed Stephen, "I've had enough people yell at me in the last few weeks, including today, and that's enough for me, for the rest of my life. Then I don't have to let you turn me on."

Let's go to Titan. There, where Thanos waited for his followers.

Still, there was something, no something that bothered Jyn about what Thanos said. >I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.< The first question that came up was, what had Titan lost? And with what had he been right, was the second question? So his controversial actions had a reason and a motivation for all that. Most would say, shit doesn't matter, he wants to halve humanity and kill thousands, but there must be a reason. At least for him. Destroy back or forth but why only half? Not the total, a third or a fifth, but the half. Half of all things. And if he halves mankind, after which the decision is made as to who is allowed to live and who dies? But it didn't get any better when Jyn took the words of Ebony Maw, the corpse, and Tony's prune, as she experienced. >Hear me and rejoice! You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No... it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.< Apart from the first and last sentence, which one could confidently delete, it was as spongy as the words of Thanos himself. His comical followers believed that Titan would save the population. But from what? And nothing was revealed to her at all. Sorrow. Super, what kind of suffering? And the suffering from death was not meant by that. Universe in balance, was pretty much the only thing to understand. Nothing more.

It was like in the first semester to understand and interpret Kant. You just want to take this book, light it on fire and throw it away. No. The time of these people was over. It may have worked before, but that was completely different times (in which these people lived); different circumstances prevailed and motivation also played an important role. Especially since the biggest question was always in the room. Did they really think of anything while writing? A deeper meaning and that you have to read between the lines? Probably less so. No, sorry of course, each of these works has a deeper meaning or each of these words had a meaning, because everything else would not make sense. Just like Shakespeare. No man would be as stupid as Romeo and Juliet were. Until today Jyn asked himself the question, what is so great about these stories and what should be romantic about them? You're dead, that's why I kill myself..... I've had a shit run, because in the end the Ische wasn't really dead. Interpretation. Stupidity does not protect from punishment. For this reason Jyn had been very fast with her professor down through. In the second week already. From then on she could cancel the course and all she cared about was to pass...... and that maybe not below 2.0. In the end it became and it was bearable..... with pain.

"Every man dreams of putting a woman's world at her feet. And that is not just a saying from me", Jyn remembered while lying on the floor with her legs bent, watching the blue haze where a window was supposed to be, though that thought couldn't be further away, and Tony, Stephen and Peter looked at her, but she turned her head to Tony because it was closest to her, "Victor's proposal."

"You're kidding me. Jesus no," whether Tony's reaction was now justified or even exaggerated, everyone may decide for themselves, "Von Doom. You don't seriously want to marry Von Doom. Earlier it was said that my ego was too big but his is much bigger. An arrogant billionaire who primarily loves himself, then his bank account, and then his company. More space is there."

"Do you see a ring on my fingers anywhere? Or have you seen one in the last half year", Jyn replied soberly, showed Tony her hands from both sides and then supported herself from the ground with her forearms, "Earlier you apparently only listened halfway, otherwise you didn't need to get upset artificially now. That was his proposal to Susan. Who is now married to Richards. It can go that fast."

"How do you know that?" Whether Tony wanted to believe it or not, there are two ways to get information and the first is incredibly difficult, so not everyone could and calls themselves questions, "No, WHY do you know that?"

"He told me," Jyn shrugged his shoulders off, put his head back and knew beforehand, no matter what she would say, opinions couldn't go further apart, "Victor is not a bad person and not so bad at all. I still think he's nice today and as long as people say he's an ass and he doesn't give me a reason to say this myself, I don't give a shit about what people say. I also have experience with people, especially men, who aren't too popular with the population because the character takes a little getting used to and whose behavior doesn't exactly count as sociable. I spontaneously think of two names and Victor of Doom is not one of them."

"I can't think of any", of all names, of all people, Tony Stark didn't come up with a single name: "What about you, doctor?"

"No, not at the moment," Stephen reassured, although it was obvious, just as it was the case with Tony, to know more, "Are you sure it's not you?"

The candidate we are also talking about has fifty out of a hundred Points.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now