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There must be more than one way.

There is more than one way for everything.

That the moment would ever come when Jyn Quill was right wouldn't have made her think much of it. After Tony had settled a wreck on Thanos, the millionaire thought it was easy to knock out the Titan. If the goal was to make him angry, Quill was right, because it wasn't, we just took his glove off, but a murder attempt, where everyone would get angry and never be up for discussion.

In a bright purple shining light the spaceship part exploded, into millions of parts, which Thanos buried under himself before and stomped into the ground. But someone was angry. But was he to blame? Rather not. Furiously the Titan clenched his hand to a fist with a roar, the red stone lit up again and all the parts that had been created by the explosion joined together and attacked Tony like a swarm of angry birds.

"Ah, look, the girl of the dead," before Thanos had finished speaking, Jyn stopped moving and gradually turned her head toward the Titan as if she had been caught, because he couldn't have known that she had died, "Shouldn't you understand it best?"

"Believe me, I understand you better than you think... Woah.....", in a big sentence, Jyn jumped aside as the metal swarm came towards her; rolled off with her arms forward as she landed and looked up again to the giant as she squatted, "In most respects I agree with you and as for your motives, I can fully understand it, but there is always more than one way."

"Would your brother see it the same way if he were still alive," Thanos replied calmly, but as for his words, which resembled a direct blow to the pit of the stomach and could not have come more unexpectedly, "What has life given you so far except grief and pain? Or brought? You are still the same little girl she was before she died. Have you learned nothing at all?"

"You get nothing in life given to you. Didn't you just realize that I am the only one here who is mostly on your side?" This would degenerate into a war that both sides could only lose, "You want to help, but nobody is helped in this way. People have to help themselves. It is of no use if others decide for them or make the decision, because in this way they learn nothing. Let people make a decision and do not do it for them. Maybe it may be difficult and anything but pleasant at first, but you don't help people because whenever others make a decision as soon as it gets uncomfortable, they always rely on others to decide...".

So far, from Jyn's point of view at least, their conversation with Thanos seemed to have gone well. It was rather peaceful, but Spiderboy really had to spark in between and glue one of the two eyes to the Titan with his sticky net substance. Thank you very much for that. So it was finally over with a peaceful settlement and the attempt to take off the glove from Thanos without a big fight.

And honestly, it didn't get any better. In addition there was Drax, who had to give Thanos a slit on his calf; Quill, who took him under fire and then jumped from one magical platform to the next with the help of Stephen and his magic, to place an explosive device in the Titans' necks. Quill then dropped back into one of Stephen's portals, showing Thanos the middle finger and booming as the explosive exploded in blue lightning the next moment.

"He may not close his fist", something completely new what Stephen said there, and already cape made itself independent, in order to wrap itself around the glove.

"Do you seriously want to kill him?" no matter what Jyn had been paid for in the last few weeks and she had done everything she wasn't proud of, but where would that lead if no one thought a step further or worried about the effects, "If you do that, you won't be any better than what you think he was. Someday someone will come who will take his place, will be worse and will saturate the world with blood for joy. Ancient Rome. He is not the monster you think he is."

Completely unimportant what Jyn tried to say and best example was Spiderboy Parker because he jumped from one portal to the next and missed Thanos during the jumps either one blow or kick after the other until the spider was grabbed by the giant hand at the throat that rammed him into the ground and then hurled it with full force against Stephen. An enormous explosion followed, as Tony was back after getting rid of the metal swarm and firing several small missiles at Thanos, but the golden glove absorbed the enormous fire dimensions and shot a bundled jet of fire back at Tony, the Titan unaware that he was hitting the spacecraft with the jet. Once again Parker came to the rescue, trying with his spider threads to prevent the Titan from closing his hand, and was effortlessly thrown aside, just as on the first attempt.

Without warning Thanos was hit by a small spaceship and dragged hundreds of meters above the ground until it finally came to a standstill. Who or what had steered the spaceship couldn't tell Jyn, except that the creature was blue and didn't seem to speak well of the Titans, because the creature started hitting them with an electric stick after the giant had risen from the debris. Who was that again? Slowly it was enough with new people. The blue creature also wanted to know where Gamora was, but it was thrown away with a slap of the back of the hand.

Several ropes, which made Stephen appear with the help of magic, wrapped themselves around the golden glove; Drax also came along, forcing Thanos to his knees with a kick against his leg, and Quill, holding the Titan's right hand to the ground with an electric bondage. In addition, Parker wrapped Thanos in several threads and Tony set out to pull the glove off Thanos' hand.

"I'm sorry," Jyn whispered compassionately as she approached Thanos, then Mantis landed through a portal on Thanos shoulders, and she herself, could pull herself up on its shoulder, where she laid the palm of her hand on his forehead, "That'll be fine."

The prevailing turmoil didn't make it easy to get Thanos under control, yet Jyn closed her eyelids and tried not to let herself be distracted by the surroundings or the people, only to concentrate on Thanos until she finally found the connection point that seemed to be missing from her every other attempt. Shortly thereafter she opened her eyes again and her eyeballs rolled inward

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now