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In Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, I swore eternal love. And in the same night I lost my heart again.

- 'Alles mit nach Hause' by Campino

The clock showed.... Wait..... With narrowed eyes, Jyn leaned up on her forearms, blinking several times and gradually realizing that she was not at home. On the contrary. Shortly after half past three the clock showed on the wall and, to make matters worse, it was in the hospital. In the hospital. For whatever reason, she didn't even know that. The last thing she could remember was the marathon and the conversation with Stephen. That's it already. Which definitely wasn't supposed to be. After that something must have happened? Something like, the way to the Atlas or home. Only, there was no further memory. As far as she could remember and that, wasn't much, better said, almost nothing.

So once again from the beginning. Completely from the beginning. Getting up, going to the marathon, talking to people there, running the marathon, talking to Enderson, Stephen... and then..... Nothing. There was just nothing else. How could that be? Nausea. Nausea, that's what Jyn had forgotten.

But one thing that had nothing to do with all this could not be ignored at the moment. Better said, to overhear. Not a bit. Even a deaf person would hear it. Okay well, he wouldn't but it was just metaphorically spoken. Two loudly discussing people outside on the corridor directly in front of the room door. Shouldn't there be something like silence or something like that in hospitals? Maybe Jyn was wrong to have heard something like that."

"Strange. How many times do I have to explain it to you?", a man in a smock took down his clipboard unnervedly; repeated himself, as it seemed, one more time and this for quite some time, without any apparent success, "I may not hand you the documents, give you any more information."

"What is the big problem if you only tell me what your evaluations have shown", Strange replied and struggled long ago with the frame not to lose his temper completely, because the man before him was visibly more incompetent than he looked, "It can't be that difficult....."

"She's not your wife anymore," the doctor interrupted Stephen coolly, bringing the matter to the point where Stephen suddenly stopped talking to the doctor and made no further effort to get his files, "Sorry, Strange. You don't belong to the family anymore, nor are you your doctor. You, in particular, should know the rules best."

"My God, for all I care, give him the damn documents otherwise he will continue to annoy you with them...", Jyn reports, drove his hand over the aching skull and looked at the two quarrelling men, "Would it otherwise be a bit quieter? Just a little bit. My head, the.... no matter. You should really give him whatever he wants, unless you want him to get on the nerves of the sisters and drive anyone else crazy. One of his specialties is to get annoyed by something he doesn't get. You have my permission, my consent..... If you want, in writing too. You're welcome."

Exhaling, Jyn turned away, staggered back and over to the bed. Once there, she let her eyes wander in the small room, slowly walked over to the cupboard and found the sports clothes she had been wearing to the marathon. If what she suspected had happened, then she wanted to..... No, she had to go home as soon as possible. And she had to go home really quickly and immediately. Without a stopover. Staying here would not be a particularly good idea.

"Can you tell me what this is going to be," Stephen asked stunned, as he entered Jyn's room with the file in his hand, put it aside immediately and took her things out of her hands, "You were not approachable for thirty-seven hours. After that, you can't just say you're going home as if nothing had happened. Hey, are you listening to me?"

"Except for the headache, I'm fine. Besides, I can't stay here any longer," without responding to Stephen's attempt that it's advisable to stay here, she took her clothes again and hastily put on her pants and jacket, "Whatever you're here for, it's nice, really, but I can't stay here any longer. Wouldn't be a very good idea."

"I don't know who you think I am, but that doesn't change the fact that I care about you. You'll never be either", that very restless way that Jyn was just showing was not normal and certainly not with a person like you, as he's never been allowed to experience her like that before and even when she was under stress, "What's going on? At the marathon you were already, to put it mildly, strange. Not to mention toppling over. Since we've known each other, you've been running such a course twice a year. So what's going on? And please don't tell me that everything is all right and that you're fine. Someone like you doesn't just tip over for no apparent reason. Fifth semester. You remember. In connection with yours, if you think you have too little time and in that case, your training time, does not make it better. On the contrary."

"It would have been impossible for me to train like this. Do I really look like that? No, I do," Jyn hastily looked around the room one last time to see if she had everything together, although it wasn't allowed to be much, and put a hand on Stephen's forearm, "Yes, how long have we known each other? And I never had a problem with that, especially since it never became one, and if I had, you would have been the first to notice. You are..... Were you a doctor.... Surgeon. So do I look like there's a problem with that? No. Not for years."

Even on the advice of her responsible doctor, Jyn had her discharge papers issued as quickly as possible and left the hospital less than half an hour later. Discharge at his own risk. It was at his own risk anyway. Coincidence that she had 'stepped away' at the end of the marathon? By no means. Coincidences do not exist. And certainly not if you consider the last few weeks.

Since her self-release from hospital, Jyn had stayed at home in her apartment and had not left it, even for five minutes. A week ago. She hadn't left her apartment for a week. She didn't even want a visitor. Neither did calls that she ignored. In the last few days even Stephen had come by three times to check on her, whom she had not let in either.

However, there was one visitor, one exception. An unwanted exception. He thought he was inviting himself in and letting himself in, because Jyn didn't make any effort to open the door for him. Two days after being shut off from the outside world, Scott Lang had come by and thought if no one opened, I'd let myself in. At that time, Jyn had sat on the sofa with Tablet in her lap, watched a series about a serial killer working for the police, and then watched Lang what it was all about. Instead of answering, he just held up a plastic bag with several white boxes, making her look at him even more amazed. Boldness wins. What lay on the table, luckily Lang didn't seem to have noticed, or he didn't care any more. Both were fine with her. She didn't have any nerves in this kind of sermon anyway. From then on, Lang had stopped by every day at lunchtime; brought something to eat or something was ordered, which they both ate together and for which Jyn was most grateful, he didn't ask any questions. Neither why she didn't respond to any of the dozens of calls, didn't leave the apartment, what happened at the marathon, nor why she didn't want to see anyone. Even a thief like Scott Land wouldn't understand.

Late in the afternoon, Jyn sat on the sofa, finally working off her list of jobs she had wanted to do for some time, and raised her head in surprise when a crack could be heard.

"Lang," Jyn cried irritatedly towards the hallway, waiting, but when no answer came, she gradually rose, put her notes aside, and moved deliberately towards the front door, "Lang..."?

No answer. This was not Lang's way. Scott had barely been to the apartment every time he visited, and he started talking. Even if Jyn could not be found in the living room or the kitchen, even if anybody could hear him, he started to yap. But not now. No chatter. Definitely not Lang.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now