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A glass bottle filled with cloudy green liquid made Quill wonder what had happened to this planet because it was eight degrees off its axis and gravity was all over the place.

As for the snail creature called Mantis, it jumped up and down like a rubber. Without a recognizable reason. An early sign of ADHD, if there was one in alien life.

Far away from the groups, Jyn let her eyes wander over the landscape, squatted down and took a handful of the orange sand she let run between her fingers. There was more. Much more. Titanium was not groundless, as good as dead. Whatever fate this planet had given, it wasn't too long ago. Not a hundred years, not even fifty. In the last four decades one disaster took its course here and from then on spread to all of Titan. It would have been so much easier if she had known how Loki had done it with the memories and could have experienced what had happened to the planet. Manipulating thoughts worked but not accessing alien memories. At least she hadn't known this trick before.

"Yes, we have an advantage. He comes to us. And we use that. Well, I have a plan, or at least an approach," Tony began to make a sound again after half an eternity, but unfortunately just as Jyn was kneeling on the dusty floor and putting both hands on the red orange surface to find out more, "Simple. Attract him, nail him down, take what we need. We don't get involved in a dance with him. We just want the glove."

Whereby Peter looked as if he couldn't really follow Tony, at least it rattled strained in his brain and his eyes were too fixated on the millionaire, which was usually a sign that the self-proclaimed lord obviously couldn't quite follow.

"Say, are you yawning?", stunned, Tony turned to Drax, who took his hand down and looked at him from Mantis, "Now, when I'm explaining everything here. Huh? Did you at least listen?"

"Not since you said something about a plan," any normal creature would be particularly attentive to developing or discussing a plan, but not Drax, who wasn't normal.

"Good Master Propper has his own frequency," Tony only noticed this fact now, which should be clear since their first encounter in the spaceship.

"They simply can't improvise. All too well," if Quill thought he could do better with this explanation, then he was more than wrong.

"How are they even able to get anything in line," Jyn sceptically joined the group, wiping the sand off the palms of her hands and breathing out, "I'm sorry, but they're not more than a bunch of fools, Tony. A plan that includes them means sealing the demise of all life. Maybe, maybe, I don't want to commit myself, it might well be that he, our hollow bulb here, would be the only one of the three who is still a little usable and quite capable, if he makes a lot of effort. Otherwise please have a look at the other two. Doesn't that already say everything? I don't want to say anything now but, seriously, I wouldn't even give him a cactus to take care of. In less than a week it would have dried up."

"Dude, I can hear you. I'm standing right next to you", obviously why Quill looked at Jyn disgruntledly and turned to Tony about this, "Is Two Face always so unkind?

"Your dude, can you save yourself some time, dude", the only thing missing was that Quill brought things like, 'eat the upper hammer', 'I'm going to break' or 'peesen', "It's not my fault that you can't handle certain facts. Besides, Two Face has names. Jyn. Three letters. Even a fool like you should be able to remember that."

"Um.... What exactly can they do", it was exactly the question that Tony and Jyn had been asking themselves for quite some time, but Parker was the one who finally asked.

"Polishing guys and putting food in holes," said Mantis, where Drax added another one, yes, exactly.

Iron silence lay over the clearing. Un-be-liev-able. Whenever you think it can't get any worse, someone puts you on top even though you thought it was impossible. Believing that Jyn would say something here any moment, Parker looked at her, but Jyn just stared at them. So Parker's gaze wandered on to Tony, who looked at Drax and Mantis with his mouth slightly open and didn't know what to say. Nothing. It ended with Tony sighing and looking down. A lot of overworked nerves would cost this undertaking.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now