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If anyone should ever ask what happened on Titan in the next five minutes, it wouldn't be so easy to answer. At some point, it felt as if time had progressed more and more slowly until it finally came to a complete standstill. It stopped at a very special moment. Death looks you in the eye. And you know. Death doesn't do things by halves. There is no perhaps. Only yes or no. In movies it is these moments when the sound stops. All screams and noises are faded out, exclusively shown and played in slow motion.

I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.

The helplessness that comes from just sitting there watching without being able to do anything yourself. You can't do anything other than watch it. And it ends with a silent scream.

As often as Thanos struck Tony, it was all the more amazing that he was still alive despite the Iron Man suit as protection. Even after Thanos threw Tony away with a beam of energy from his glove, Tony was still not at the end of his attack and replied with a beam of his own which, thanks to the glove, aligned zero point zero. Two problems had to occur at the same time. Of course, how else? On the one hand, Tony's attack was redirected into nothingness, on the other hand, the red metal armor regressed. When something comes, everything comes at once. To block Thano's blows, the remaining armor was enough, then came the moment when everything became silent.

The sword, which had formed for the last attempt of defense, was broken like a toothpick by Tony's hand and pushed through his belly.

„You have my respect, Stark. When I'm done, half of humanity will still be alive", the Titan's enormous hand rested on Tony's head after he was brought by Thanos to sit down and bent down to him to be at eye level, „I hope they remember you."

"Wait", Stephen Thano's next action interrupted as the Titan raised his hand in the glove and pointed at Tony, with the four Infinity stones beginning to glow, "Spare his life and I'll give you the stone."

"No tricks?", Thanos made sure before he went on to what Stephen denied with a shake of his head and the glove was now pointed at him and Jyn.

"Not., but Tony was not able to do more, which should not be astonishing for everyone just the fact that he was still conscious.

But the green stone already appeared between Stephen's index finger and thumb, lit up and floated over to Thanos, who put it in the place provided on the thumb. Only one more. The stone of thought.

"You still have a task", to whom Thanos addressed his words, only became clear after Jyn looked from Tony to Thanos and the Titan's eyes rested on her, "Dead men can tell far more than you can believe child. More helpful than any living mortal in the universe. Find your place among the dead and see what is possible."

One minute longer this idiot could have slept on in the dirt, but just now, after it had been over for a long time, Quill came along and fired at Thanos. The fight was over and the Titan now had what he wanted, so there was no need to fight any more and could disappear through a portal. So before Quill could jump Thanos, he had finally disappeared and the last attempt to stop him, which led to a crash landing, ended with the words. Where is he?

Did we just lose?

No, you borderdebile version of a subhuman. Super Bowl victory was this.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now