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Before you embark on a journey of retribution, always dig two graves.

With a deep breath, like after a bad dream that had finally come to an end, Jyn drove up and stalled. What was going on here? Without understanding, her eyes began to wander around the white room without turning her head, which did not make the fact that she was lying on an autopsy table any better. Involuntarily, she palpated her chest, abdomen and scalp to make sure she hadn't been cut open. That would have been all she needed to be alive, cut open and from now on marked with a Y-shaped scar that wouldn't even be small.

To the great relief a human could feel, there were neither cuts nor any seams Jyn could feel on her skin, and another stone fell from her shoulders as she was certain that her hair had not been removed, meaning the top of her skull had not been cut either.

One thing that turned out to be a little inconvenience, which only became clear to her now that her fears had fortunately not come true, was simply gone, that she was not wearing any clothes. She had nothing on except the cloth she had been covered with.

But Jyn didn't want to spend eternity here, so she wrapped the cloth around her body and searched for the closet where all the belongings of the people were collected until they were handed over to the next of kin.

In the closet in the back corner of the room there were numerous plastic bags with names, from A to Z there were a few, but they were missing. Neither under R nor B itself under S nothing was to be found. That was great. So their keys were already gone. And she still had to find something right to dress, which shouldn't be too difficult, because she was at the moment in the lowest floor of a hospital and what was there in the hospital. Right, work clothes.

In clothes that didn't fit front and back, Jyn first wandered disoriented through the numerous corridors until she heard the familiar planning of a rising elevator door and her search came to an end. Home. Just go home, lay in the bathtub and think about what to do in the days to come. Until recently she had liked her life, but not any more.

A shrill scream held out the hallway on the ground floor as Jyn left the elevator and then flew over the signs on the wall, looking to the right to find out who was responsible for the noise. A red-haired woman in her mid-thirties in the hospital's surgical gowns.

"Now you have dropped your things. Was there a reason for this? Nevertheless, I am glad to see you Doctor Palmer. How's it living with Stephen," the answer didn't interest Jyn much, though, and so she waved off in the same train as she had asked, "Efforting, yes. If nothing was new.... Wow, you are as pale as I usually am, even paler. Unusual with you. Usual with me, definitely not with you."

"You..... You..... dead.....", stammered Doctor Palmer and looked around in the hallway in amazement, as if she was looking for help, whereby it took a good minute until the doctor had caught herself again to some extent, "Axis fracture. It is impossible. They were declared dead. Three doctors had to confirm this because Stephen..... how can you stand here? Three days ago they found you and..... Strong was here......"

"When was the last time you slept? Sufficient sleep", strictly speaking, she was also completely indifferent this time and, as Jyn herself stated, was a little atypical for her circumstances, "Must be something here, how it looks. You can do me a favor. Breathe."

If the Palmer always acted like that, honestly, head shot. It helps immensely. How could such a woman become a doctor? One would think that every patient would rather kill himself than be treated by her.

When Jyn finally stood in front of her apartment and leaned against the door, then took the surgical kit from her bag she had from the hospital and let it go to open the door, she noticed that it was open. Great. According to her, it was very likely that she would find an empty apartment or such a good empty apartment. How much worse could a day become?


"Everybody who doesn't live here, out," taken from the march here, Jyn took a bottle of vodka from the kitchen shelf, while Tony was standing in the apartment with two suits on, opening her mouth at the sight, but didn't know what to say, "All right. I know we both speak the same language Stark. What it looks like with you two, I don't know, I don't care. You have nothing to do here, so.... Departure. Now.

"You are dead.... at least it should be you," Tony replied after telling the two suits who turned out to be lawyers that it was probably best if they left, "Who is responsible for that?"

"So we have Day of the Living Dead. First the Palmer, who almost suffers a myocardial infarction when she saw me and now you're coming with me, I'm dead", this absurd joke got better every time, Jyn took a sip and pointed to the door with the bottle, "I never got better and now go away."

"You were lying in the morgue for three days with other dead people. Broken neck. Less than seventy-two hours later you show up here as if nothing had happened and we talk. How can that be?.... I beg your pardon? What did you just say to me", unbelieving to have heard what Jyn had just said to him, Tony fell silent and raised his hand with outstretched finger, "We've known each other for eight years, I stood in front of your corpse and you're telling me now, I shouldn't cut off anything, you shouldn't cut off anything? You look like Jyn, but you don't sound like Jyn. What are you trying to achieve with that? Get rid of the last people you have? Bravo, you are on the best way there....."

"Will you have it soon? You shall go," interrupted Jyn Tony coolly, who looked at her as if he could not believe that she was talking to him in that tone and had no expression on her face, "I have no idea what you are trying to talk yourself into and it is not in my interest, because I just want my peace. So please go."

Jyn had only attached the request as a courtesy, because maybe Tony would rather disappear then. People might be nervous or persistent, like a cancer.

After Tony had kindly left the apartment, Jyn began to nod gradually, slipping to the floor with trembling breath and her back on the kitchen block and clawing her fingernails deep into her legs, pulling them up to her chest.

As they say in Alice:

Madness is not a question of the state of mind. It is a place.

From then until today her favourite book. Every time she opens it from now on, she would see history in a whole new way.


"Let's get serious. The old days are over. I have a message that you will send and I know that you can, no matter what is claimed. A message for the Dead Man," Jyn Markham soberly admitted, pulling a bell out of trousers at the back, throwing it carelessly on the counter and leaning with the inside of his arms forward, "Twenty million. Twenty million to train me. Someone thinks he has to put a price on my head, please, gladly, but not without being aware of the consequences. The order was not business, but personal and I am allergic to it. Brock chose his way, as I choose mine now. This one. Send the message. Friday is the deadline. By then he should have made up his mind. I don't care how you do it. I wish you a pleasant day."

Just as every story has two sides, so every human being has two sides.

One that we show to the world and another that we hide inside us. A duality dominated by the balance of light and darkness.

Each of us is capable of good and evil.

But those who manage to blur the moral boundary have true power.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now