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A person like Quill could safely stay in place without hesitation, without anything happening to him. Should be. After all, this complete hollow mud bulb was not conscious and therefore could not cause any damage. It's hard to believe that someone like him hasn't hurt himself or killed himself yet. The point was reached where Jyn had no words to describe Quill. After this action she was no longer able to find the right words at all. And she was a journalist. Words were her work. Somebody do that.

Despite the numerous illusions that Stephen created of himself, which Thanos circled and held with the magic ropes, the Titan succeeded in finding the real Stephen with bare balls of the glove.

"You know many tricks wizard", with these Thanos pulled Stephen to himself and put his enormous hand around his neck, which he pressed therefore firmly together, "And yet you have not even used your biggest weapon..... A fake."

"Thanos. If this goes on like this, it will never stop," out of breath Jyn remained out of reach of the Titan; where she had to watch that Stephen throwing aside like a useless toy and feeling, after she had reached him, after his pulse and pulling the unconscious body into his lap, "I don't want to have to bury anyone because it doesn't have to be, and I know you don't want to spill any unnecessary blood. Whatever you want, I will not get you any more dead. Let him and the..."

"You know what I want Jyn, girl of the dead. The Infinity Stone, which is in the possession of the sorcerer who now hides it from me," if there was something Jyn couldn't do, it's because she didn't know how to get to the Timestone when Stephen protected it with magic hocus pocus, "Who do you really want to help? To yourself to make up for all that you have done? To them because so far you have pushed everything and everyone of yourself as soon as someone came too close to you or wanted to help? Do not worry child, you will see what will happen to the world as soon as I am finished. Get me the stone and you won't have to bury anyone again."

Gently Jyn stroked Stephen's torn face, pressed her lips tightly together and started nodding before pressing her lips to Stephen's forehead. There have been enough deaths for one day. She will if you have lost. Thanks to Quill and his lack of self-control. It brought no one anything and at least the universe when one of them unnecessarily gave up their lives for an already lost battle. To the advantage of all of them, there was still one more, one last stone that Thanos didn't own and that was part of Vision. The Thought Stone would not be so easy for Vision to give away, just because his life depended on it. But this calculation was made without Tony, who gave the golden glove a metallic claw and prevented Thanos from moving his fingers for now.

"If you throw a moon at me again, I'll really freak out", impressed Thano's threat, not at all, so Tony was slightly surprised when Titan replied with just one word, Stark, "You know me?"

"However," after all those years and thanks to the four Infinity stones, it wasn't surprising that Thano's name or certain people knew and knew about them, "You're not the only one whose curse is knowledge."

"My only curse is you.", once, just once in a lifetime, not everything and everyone provokes especially not the being that was more powerful than everyone else, but Tony couldn't do that.

"Come on." For one last fight and for that, Thanos was of course ready despite all the losses so far.

The truth is a battlefield of perceptions. People only see what they are willing to endure. It does not depend on what one looks at, but only on what one sees. And when the different perceptions fight against each other, the truth gets lost somewhere. And the true monsters crawl out of their holes.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now