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On the street in front of New York's Sanctum, Bleecker Street, there was a doomsday mood. New York 2.0. People panicked past the five people who had just stepped out of building 177A without paying attention to anything. Just get away and get to safety.

"I guess it's hard, the Wicked Witch of the West won't be," and Jyn was promptly gazed at by Bruce as she slipped over a bonnet to the other side, distorting her face because she saw scattered grains of sand flying right into her eye, "The Wizard of Oz. The Magic Storm. Never read it? Wow. You're still human, aren't you?"

"Did you just compare our situation with a story for children?" Banner called Jyn after us, who ran in the middle of the street, looked up at the sky and turned around on her own axis every now and then."

"She did, but her intention was clearly different from what it came over for you Doctor," Stephen turned to Banner as he walked past and followed Tony, who had walked a long way and helped a few people, "She read every book like that. Several times, therefore, not uncommon such remarks."

"Why does everything always sound like an insult to you?" or it sounds as if the person is too stupid to understand anything, which was the reason why Jyn stopped nodding now, "Ah, right, comes from the PhD, although.... with Doctor Banner it is never the case. So it's up to you."

As soon as the five were bent around the corner of the intersection, it was visible, not to be overlooked it hit better, which caused the strong wind and whirled up all the dirt. A spaceship, in the form of a bagel, floated between houses and only a few meters above the ground.

That went quickly.

Immediately Tony ordered F.R.I.D.A.Y. to evacuate everyone around 43th and alert the rescue forces. Stephen, however, managed to do this by picking up the coming sandstorm and the wind with some magical spell.

"Show-off", it was exactly what Tony thought he didn't want to say, but that's exactly what Jyn was there to do, "To make that thing disappear again, would that be too much to ask of you magicians or is that beyond your magical hocus-pocus?

'Hear my words and rejoice in them'. Hell, no. Not again. How boring. Couldn't this guy finally come up with something new? Jyn had been allowed to listen to this speech before and already then her speech was completely on her nerves. She could bet on the fact that there was only this one speech and was used for everything. There was stupidity apparently not only on the earth, which some humans possessed and put into the day, but as straight was to be heard, also in the remaining universe. 'Death is given to you by the hand of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives contributed to...'

"The guy is mine," Jyn told the Four soberly, smacking briefly and cracking the individual finger bones, "I want his 'being'."

"Sorry, the earth is closed today. So pack up your stuff again and disappear," Tony told the two alien helpers sent by Thanos at the same time as Jyn that the guy belonged to her, and turned to her, "You want what? His 'being'. What's that supposed to be? His head or what."

"His power," it was roughly put to the point by Stephen, although it was not yet fully explained, "His abilities. Being is what constitutes every being in the universe. Which makes each one of us what he or she is."

"Carrier of the Stone," the half-dried corpse turned directly to Stephen so he wouldn't be interrupted again by Tony, "Does that cackling animal speak for you, too?"

"Certainly not. I speak for myself", so Thano's helper had made sure that Stephen was finally ready for battle and was waiting for his attack, "You are entering this city on this planet without permission."

"Meaning, pull some prunes," Tony added, to whom the whole back and forth had already lasted too long and should finally come to an end, "Banner do you want to join?"

"Ne-in. No, not really, but when do I get what I want?", a plus point for honesty that Jyn Banner calculated, especially in this situation.

"Right," Bruce got Tony's approval during which he tried to turn into the Hulk, "It's been a while. Nice that you're there, buddy...... Where is the big one?"

"I don't know, it's just such a thing between us," when Ding Thano's punch was taken, it was understandable why Banner had problems with the Hulk.

"There's no time for things," which Tony Banner didn't need to say, though, because he knew it himself and also saw it, in the form of an alien ogre, "That's the thing."

"May I," questioningly Jyn Banner put both hands on his temples, looked right into his eyes and made the pictures he got to see become more extreme every time, "Okay, big guy, you're scared. I saw it. But I don't care. Thanos scared you, well, now it's my turn...... Come on..... then it's over immediately..."

"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizard," Tony finally said, who gave up getting the Hulk for support; Jyn knew she could step back from Banner and Tony afterwards, who kept apologizing to Bruce, took aside, "It's okay. Leave it alone. Come on."

So that Tony could finally step into action himself, he asked Wong if he could look after Bruce in the meantime and let his Iron Man suit appear while he walked towards the axe carrying ogre. Two magicians; a man in the most modern combat suit ever and Jyn. At that thought, she liked Mexico a few weeks ago, much better now. That could be cheerful.

"Greet death like a friend and leave peacefully with him," Jyn muttered, and an ice-cold shiver ran through her veins, for she had been preparing for or expecting this event for some months, "It's nothing more than Mexico. Exactly the same job. It's nothing new.... Only without aliens. Now it's aliens."

Before Jyn was finished talking to herself, she leaned upside down forward; waited two seconds to keep her balance and slowly straightened up. And in the same train the headaches began. Shuddering, she took her right hand up to find out how strong her trembling was in reality, or whether she was just imagining that feeling. But not a trace of trembling. Of green and grey threads of smoke on her fingers, in contrast. Hundreds of years of learning and with her it was, now on the same.

Since Bruce was more in danger than a danger to the aliens, Stephen sent him through a portal to safety and then wanted to do the same with Jyn, who raised her closed hand in warning, and let a dagger appear in this movement, which she pointed directly at Stephen's face. As I said. The mummy belonged to her.

"Thank you, I appreciate the concern but your job is not to look after me," it never was and never would be, even if men always thought it was their job to look after their girlfriends or wives, "Honey, the times are over and a lot has happened since. Your only task at the moment, because you have rubbed it under our noses like pure cocaine, is to watch the stone. Nothing more. Do we understand each other?"

"Can we agree honey that you won't point knives at me anymore and worry less about what others will do if they think it's right," Stephen replied, whereby Jyn, with her nostrils twitching, took her arm down knowing in the back of her head that she had managed to get someone pretty pitted, "Good thing we cleared that up. Otherwise, everything's settled between us."

"I have to take the stone away immediately," but Stephen kept saying the Zeitstein would stay with him and Tony flew away to return to the visitors, "Exactly. Goodbye."

And already Tony was again in the middle of the action, preparing his next attack on the mummy and was drilled by a metallic tentacle through several buildings. A normal day in the life of Tony Stark alias Iron Man and Avenger founder.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ a.k.a. Part I - Infinity War✔Where stories live. Discover now