11. The Day after Wedding

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Before I could even reply, Mason comes inside the bar yelling, "What the fuck, Austin?"

Henry and I gasp at his loud voice and sudden appearance, but Peter looks at him and just smiles at him, being totally drunk. I bet he is the one who asked him to come here. Now everyone knows about my lie.

"Peter, did you ask him to come here?" I ask him being irritated.

"No. The thing is... I had called Mason... to come pick us. That's all! I'm serious." He says with an innocent expression, not able to pronounce words properly.

"I heard every freaking thing you said to Henry when I was on call. Aus, have you gone nuts?" Mason starts shouting, making his voice echo in the empty bar.

I couldn't even open my eyes as I was getting too drunk and when I look beside me, Henry was sleeping already. I look at him wondering when he started to sleep, in my drowsy eyes.

"Mason! I'm doomed," I laugh, "I'm completely doomed."

"I know it." He says, taking the glass I had in my hand and keeps it far away from my reach. "Stop drinking. You are going to honeymoon tomorrow after all."

"Mason!" I raise my voice, being annoyed. "I'm not going anywhere! I'm going to drink all day and pass out so that that stupid honeymoon plan gets cancelled."

Soon, my phone starts to ring. I take my phone out of my pocket and see the caller ID. It was my grandma. I cut the call and turn the phone off.

"Aus, are you crying?" Mason asks being shocked. I touch my cheeks and realise that tears were rolling down.

"Coming to think of it, I didn't even inform Iris that we have to go tomorrow." I take in my breath, sobbing. "I'm sure she hates me a lot, Mason." I say, leaning on Henry's back who was sleeping peacefully.

"Geez, let's get going, shall we?" Mason speaks before I give in to my drowsiness.


After freshening up and having my breakfast, I take my phone out and realise that Ms. Mabel had called me two hours ago. I sigh and call her back.

"Hello." I say bluntly.

"Iris, how's your married life?" She asks excitingly to which I sigh loud enough for her to hear but I do not respond to her question.

"Well, did Aus mention about your honeymoon to Bali? You both are leaving tomorrow. Are you all packed and ready?"


"Aus didn't tell you? That little bastard doesn't do anything I tell him to. Where is he now?"

"I don't know. But, are we really leaving tomorrow?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?" She says calmly, "And, why are you so disinterested in your husband?"

I don't respond. I knew we would have to go to honeymoon soon but now that the day is tomorrow, I start to feel sad, anxious and empty.

"Iris, are you listening to me?"

"Yeah." I say in a low voice.

"Breakfast?" She asks with a genuine voice. I wonder why.


"What about Austin?"

"I don't know." She sighs at my response.

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