26. Hurt

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I reach my office around six after taking the longest possible route to reach here but I was still early that I was the only one in the office. I put my head down on my desk to sleep for a few minutes. As soon as I close my eyes, I get the image of Iris in her wedding dress. She looked so beautiful. I open my eyes, still laying my head on the desk. Is it obsession that I feel towards her? Or do I really like her? I'm not sure. 

I started to avoid her from yesterday getting scared at how my heart beats faster when I look at her and how nervous I get when she's near me, but I know that I'm making things awkward between us because of this. 

I give in to my sleep when my eyes starts to feel heavy.

8:09 a.m

"Hey," A voice wakes me up. "Why're you here so early? That's strange." Peter sits on the chair beside mine, facing me.

"Just like that." I excuse myself but he senses that something is wrong with me.

"What's wrong Austin? I'm not asking twice." I look at him and he raises his eyebrows. I wanted to get this out of my head anyways.

"Okay," I speak up but look at him for a second, thinking if I could really say this to him or not. Fuck it, I'm just gonna vent it all out. "So, it's about Iris.." I look at him and he comes closer, giving unnecessary attention to this. "Can you be normal? I'm not gonna say it if you behave like this."

"Ugh, fine. I was just too curious, that's all. Anyways, continue."

"So, you know it's like uh, I feel like I'm getting obsessed to Iris. Well, I've started to get nervous infront of her and I can't look straight in her eyes anymore without getting nervous. And, I feel like I want to be with her always and spend my time with her." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not sure if I really like her or I'm just getting obsessed to her." I struggle to explain but he keeps nodding while trying to hide his laughter.

"Do you feel like laughing, Peter? I'm really struggling with these thoughts, okay?"

"Okay, I'm sorry." But, he bursts out laughing. I get up from my seat to head outside to get some fresh air but he stops me and makes me sit back on my chair.

"So, you're not sure if you like her or you're just obsessed with her, right?" He repeats my words to which I nod.

"I've been avoiding her since yesterday because I don't really have the courage to face her and act normal anymore and I can't keep avoiding her for the rest five years. What do I do?"

"Date someone who can distr-" I glare at him until he comes to realisation about my recent date which traumatised the shit out of me. "I'm sorry, no dates for a while, right? Got it. Let me think of another way."

"Take your time." I stare at him eagerly as he keeps thinking. Hopefully, his smart brain can help me.

"Austin, be honest with me." I nod. "Are you sexually frustrated by her?"

"Uh well sometimes, I guess." Maybe, a lot more than sometimes but, that's not the problem right now.

"That is it. Go on a one-night stand. It mig-"

"No." I speak up before he continues, getting even more frustrated. "No one-night stands." I make it clear to him. Maybe, I am sexually frustrated but I never liked the idea of having sex with a stranger. It just feels weird and uncomfortable to me.

"Then, what the fuck are you planning to do?" He starts getting annoyed.

"Maybe, just stop the confusion and ask her out on a proper date," Henry comes in just like that without giving signs of his sudden appearance. He keeps few files on his desk which was across mine, taking his seat and faces me, "and when you're sure you really like her, just confess her."

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