1. Control

357 17 10

Monday, 23nd September, 2019
12:30 p.m


"Ma'am, the meeting is going to start soon." Denise, my secretary, informs me as I gather the required documents to attend the meeting.

"But," Denise's voice shows some hesitance and worry which couldn't go unnoticed from me.

"Tell me whatever it is. As you know, I don't have much time so make it quick" I say with one breath, quickly, as I'm running out of time for the meeting.

"Ms. Mabel wants to have a private meeting with you, alone, once this meeting is done."

"Why is it again? What are her conditions now? I can't really keep on changing the company's policies as per her wishes just because she is our major shareholder." I speak with clear annoyance to which Denise keeps her head low.

"Yet we cannot disobey her words." Denise's words stating the sick reality.

Sighing, I leave my office with all the required documents, heading to the meeting room with Denise.

"The shareholders are really worried about the recent debts of the company which might lead them to withdraw their money. So, we really have to impress them with our new strategy to save our company and convince them that they wouldn't be left in danger."

"I know, Denise. Trust me and I'll make sure that any shareholder wouldn't want to withdraw their money."

"I believe in you, Ma'am." I nod at those reassuring words.

With all hopes, anxiety and pressure, I open the door of the meeting room and enter with confidence.

"Thank you for your patience everyone. I hope you all are doing great." I say with a smile plastered on my face.

"Given the situation do you really think we're all doing great?" One of the shareholder says with a furrowed expression.

"Our staff is doing all the possible things to be done in order to make a profit this year. I know that the last two years were a rough path for all of us but I promise you that this year, the company is going to make enough profit to which all of you will be compens-"

"Get to the point. How are you going to make a profit when you couldn't, for the last two years?" Another shareholder interrogates me.

"We are making new strategies which is going to bring us a fortune. And our company had always satisfied everyone of you here by returning a high percent of dividend every year except for the last two years. So I hope that everyone would trust on us and our strategies, that would soon pay all of us back."

Silence lasts for a few seconds before the whispering among the shareholders starts to rise. All I could do was to hope that they won't come up with a negative response.

"I trust you, Iris." Ms. Mabel lets out her first sentence which was surprisingly a positive response, with great hope in her words towards me and the company. She was definitely in a great mood.

"Thank you, ma'am. I will do everything I can to maintain the trust you have for us." I say with a genuine smile this time and soon all the shareholders start to agree with Ms. Mabel which brought success to this meeting.

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