7. The Hidden Pain

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9:50 p.m

We bid her parents and her brother goodbye after having dinner and we get into my car. It would be wrong of me if I didn't accept that I had a great time there. Their sweet conversations, their energy, their vibes, their vibrations were just wonderful.

I was a bit worried about meeting her parents because it was my first time meeting a family. Since childhood, I always tried to avoid visiting a family because I was worried that I might start feeling the need to have a family as in dad, mom and siblings, yet again. I'm very much grateful for my grandma for raising me into the person I am now but I still had the desire to have a family, which I did not want to acknowledge. Now, the desire for me to have the kind of a family that Iris has was getting stronger and that's when all of my happiness I had earned while spending the day with her family started fading. The exact reason why I didn't want to visit her parents but was forced by my grandma.

Both of us didn't speak a word from the time we got into the car until now, when Iris decides to break the silence.

"Did we cause any inconvenience to you today?" She asks with a hesitant and concerned voice probably thinking if it hurt me when we spoke about my adoption but she had no idea that it weirdly made me happy and relieved that we talked about it.

"No, Iris. I really liked our visit to your parents house and I really mean it." I assure her.

"Glad to hear that." I couldn't look at her expression as I was driving but guessed that she might be smiling and it made me want to peek at her to see her smile if she did. Her smile is beautiful.

"What did you talk with John?" She continues speaking after a small pause, "Did he do anything weird?"

"No," I let out a laugh. "He just asked me few questions that's all."

"What questions?"

"That's between us, Iris." I mock at her.

"Fine." She huffs.

"Iris," I call for her attention.


"Did you love your boyfriend very much?" I feel bad about when she was forced to breakup with her boyfriend to marry me.

"What boyfriend?" She questions me with a confused tone.

"Your ex-boyfriend I guess, now. Did it hurt very much when you had to cut ties with him to marry me?"

"Who told you that I had a boyfriend?"

"The first day we met, you told my grandma that you are going to break up with your boyfriend right?"

"Ah," She exhales, "Well, I lied to your grandma hoping that she would not drag me into this but it didn't work."

"So, you didn't have a boyfriend?" I ask, being a little shocked as I was always feeling sorry towards her for her having to breakup with her boyfriend to marry me.


"Oh." I get relieved, probably because I wouldn't have to be sorry towards her.

"But, why did you ask me this all of a sudden?"

"Because." I shrug, not wanting to explain myself.

The rest of the ride was complete silence till we reached her apartment. She gets down and thanks me to which I nod and wait for her to get inside the elevator as I was worried she might not feel safe late at night, thinking about the day I saw her crying and shivering when I visited her company and unintentionally scared the shit out of her.

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