20. Break

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"What about me?"

"What do you mean?" She looks at me and I look back at her with my sad eyes.

"If you both go on a date, leaving me behind, Mr. Kim would catch on that" I make stupid excuses when I definitely know how to manage this situation.

"Well, we both go together and then part ways." She shrugs and I take out the card of our room from my trousers pocket and unlock the room before we enter.

"Then I'll be alone." I know this is the last thing she'd want to care about but I don't know why I felt the need to mention it. Before she gets to have any word regarding this, I cut her off, "But it's fine. I like being alone most of the time." I lie and she smiles, believing my lie.

"Did you mention that you're married yet?" I ask her and she nods, closing her eyes proudly.

"Yes and I mentioned that it's just a contract marriage and also that we're too platonic," She says like she believes it when we've practically cuddled every night we've spent here and when we even almost made out in Mr. Kim's room, not that she knows of probably but she must've realised it that a woman and man, half naked, lying on the same bed is no platonic at all. "And," she continues, "he's totally cool with my situation." That's a red flag but I can't have a say in this. I never knew someone's happiness could hurt me this much, especially when that person means something strong but unexplainable to me.

I do not ask her permission this time and just get inside the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, stand in front of the sink and throw some water on my face. All I see is




I don't know how or why, because my feelings aren't sure at all. But I, for sure, know that I'll like her soon. To the extent that my heart will no longer beat with life like it used to if that hot guy is the one for her.

Or maybe I already like her which I'm not willing to accept yet.

After a few painful minutes, I get out of the bathroom and she isn't in here anymore. I sigh and sit on the bed. She's probably with him. I take my phone out and call her.

I want to bring her back to this room but her heart lies in that room which is two floors below ours.

She picks up. "Hello," She sounds excited.

"Where are you?" I get to the point, not wanting to play round the bush.

"Well," She hesitates, she's with him. "I'll come back, just a second." She probably talks to that guy and speaks after few seconds, "What is it, Austin?" She sounds annoyed when I'm on the verge to cry the shit out of me.

"Where are you, Iris?" I make myself sound serious and I am serious.

"What's wrong with you, Austin?" She restraints herself from raising her voice while she wants to scream at my face right now.

"Just tell me where you are, Iris. It shouldn't be that hard." I do not restraint myself.

"Well, I'm at Ryle's room but I don't understand the need to tell you th-" I cut the call before she could speak more of hurtful words to me. I'm being such a moron to her right now.

I put down my phone and get off the bed to make myself coffee. I'll drink a lot of caffeine and doze off to ease this stupid pain.

4:20 p.m

I open my eyes to banging on the door and rub my eyes before getting off the bed to open the door.

Iris. Crying Iris. Her eyes are sad and teary that gets my eyes sad. Her lips aren't lively making my lips dry.

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