44. Kiss

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"Iris," I call her to make sure she looks at me and once she looks into my eyes, I speak up, "Do you wish to have a baby, some day?"

Every second of her silence as we keep looking into each others eyes makes my heart beat a little faster than before but she finally decides to break the silence.

"What about you, Austin?"

"It depends on your opinion, Iris." No matter how much I wish we had a baby of ours, I cannot force her opinions if she doesn't want to because I know it's a hard and careful decision which a parent must take.

"Listen," she turns a little to face me directly, "If I do not want to give birth, would you be disappointed in me?" She looks at me with a concerned and questionable face.

"Iria, it's your body, your choice. I'll respect your choice no matter what because at the end of the day, we being together is what matters the most to me." I state her the truth as it is and she smiles, bringing a smile on my face too.

"It's just that giving birth really scares me a lot." She reasons out her choice which is not necessary because if she doesn't want to, then I'm not letting her go through it, no matter what.

"It's okay, Iris. I understand you." I press a kiss on her lips and smile to assure her that I completely understand her opinion on this sensitive matter.

"Maybe we can adopt a baby if you wish to." Her words fills me up with so much happiness as I always wished to raise a baby with her from the time we fell in love. Raising a small human together and looking at that human growing in front of us filled me up with so much happiness, especially because I would be experiencing it with her which would make those moments even more meaningful, beautiful and memorable.

"Do you want to?" I ask her opinion too regarding this matter and she nods with a smile.

"Yeah, let's raise a baby together, only if you wish to."

"I really want to, Iris. I've always wanted to raise a baby with you." I embrace her tightly around her shoulder, burying my face on her neck feeling so much happiness and excitement filling me up. I press a soft kiss on her neck once she hugs me back, "I love you," I do not break the hug but lift my head from her neck and look into her eyes, "I really love you."

"I love you too, Austin." She keeps glancing at my lips while trying hard to maintain the eye contact while my face is just an inch far from hers. I go further and make our lips touch each other but do not take my eyes off hers, which is now closed.

Her hair fragrance, her body scent, the smell and taste of the cookies in her lips, all driving me so crazy that I do not want this moment to end, ever. I embrace her lower lip and caress it with my lips while she is doing the same with my upper lip, making me close my eyes from the pleasure of love that I'm receiving from this kiss.

I drive my hands down to her waist to caress it while pulling her even more closer to me and in a special second, she lets her tongue slide in my mouth getting me too excited that I hold onto her calf and pull it up to the couch gently, signalling her to get her legs onto the couch as she does it while I keep my hand on the back of her head as I'm taking her down but making sure that she doesn't hurt her head as I get on top of her, making sure to not break this magical and wondrous kiss.

As her body gets crushed with my body on top of hers, I feel immense pleasure inflame me. This close contact of our bodies, making me feel intense emotions that I am unable to control. As the patience of controlling myself leaves my body, I suck on her tongue that she trusted into my mouth and fondle it with my tongue to intensify this sensational moment, earning a soft moan from her that definitely made all my blood rush into my manhood as I feel more intense tingles in there due to its contact with her body.

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