34. In Your Arms

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"Can I go over there tonight? I promise to come back before dawn." I want to stay with my grandma but I'm worried about Iris too. I feel guilty for not staying with her when I promised I would but I couldn't turn a blind eye on Iris either. "Just tonight." I add. Maybe, because if things would end between us, I want atleast a last day to spend with her.

She nods with a smile. "I wanted to tell you to go there but since I had told you that I would respect your choices from now on, I resisted myself from asking you to go there." I look down at the floor thinking if it was right of me to leave her alone here. I didn't want to do that either.

"I'm worried about you too." I look at her. "Can you like, come stay there tonight with us? Or can I bring her here? I'm worried about both of you."

"Aus, it's new for her to stay alone in that house after but not for me to be alone in this house. So, you're going there and I'm staying here. Also, I'm pretty sure Iris wouldn't want to come over here since the contract is over." I nod, agreeing to her last statement.

"What did you talk to her when I gave the phone to her?" I ask her, getting curious about it.

"Well, I told her she could either stay in that house or she could go back to her apartment and that she could tell me her decision whenever."

"Didn't you sell it?" I clearly remember the day she sold it and how upset Iris was about it.

"I can buy it back." I nod.

"That's all?"

"I also told her not to cry anymore and to take care of herself and all. Do I have to explain everything to you?" She gets annoyed in the middle and I chuckle looking at floor, shaking my head. "Hurry up soon." She orders me but I still feel uneasy about it.

"You're coming with me." I look at her. "Please." I hold my hands together, pleading her. "Just one night. I promise." I make a cute face, hoping it works but she shakes her head. "I can't leave you alone here. Please." I go near her and hold her hands. "Just tonight."

"I'll be fine, Aus."

"Yeah, Let's all be fine in that house." I don't give up. "Please don't make me worried. Caroline left the job too anyhow, right. So, we have a spare bedroom there, so... Please." I plead her again not giving up until she gives in.

"Ugh. Fine. But instead, what are you gonna give me?" She doesn't give in easily, as expected.

"My love, affection and care." I smile at her being a cute little brat I am to her. She rolls her eyes and heads to her room.

"Let me take my phone and my medications, in case, with me. Wait here." I don't wait and head inside her room following her and she shakes her head with a smile making me smile.

We head outside the house after making sure all the windows, doors were locked and it was safe for us to leave the house empty. I don't inform Iris about us coming there because she wouldn't wish us to be there for her but I couldn't help but worry after seeing her cry so much. I drive down the path to reach our house with grandma, sitting beside me.

"What would you do if Iris doesn't want to continue the relationship with you?" She raises a question when I have my eyes on the road.

"I don't know." I shake my head not sure about it but continue, "I think I'll be very upset. Very much."

"But, I know that she would want to continue the relationship. When I told her that I'm ending the contract, she was shocked and didn't really enjoy the news like I expected her to. I think she likes you too." She makes me happy with her words but I don't dive into assumptions yet.

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