25. Avoid

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"I missed you so much."

"Were you that worried about meeting my parents in my absence?" I snort and he nods.

"Especially your brother." He sighs but soon his lips curves into a beautiful smile.

"What were you both doing upstairs before I came?"

"We just played video games." We both get inside the living room and sit on the couch. "Though I lost most of the times." I smile looking at his smile. "What was that private conversation you had with grandma?" He asks, not glancing at me yet while I was lost, looking at his perfect features.

"Nothing much. She just reminded me of the contract and stuffs." I sigh and he just nods.

I take the TV remote control and turn on a random show to fill up the silence. It kind of feels like he didn't want us to continue the conversation which makes me wonder if something happened that displeased him while I was away.

"I'm heading out, Iris. I'll probably get home late at night." He gets up from his seat and heads out, taking his jacket with him still not glancing at me.

It was just around four in the afternoon and he seems to have forgotten about what we had decided yesterday. Did I do something wrong? Or did something serious really happen while I was away? I didn't want to call my parents or John to ask anything regarding this and make them wonder if something is wrong between us.

I focus on the show that wasn't as loud as the thoughts in my head. Although my eyes were focused on the TV, my head still wondered what possibly could've gone wrong that made Austin feel the need to avoid me.

"I'll be going to the grocery store, Iris. Keep the doors locked." Caroline comes to my sight and I call her name to stop her from reaching the door yet.

"Did something happen before I came home?" She's the only one whom I can ask regarding this.

"Nothing much." She looks at me being confused. "Why?"

"Did my parents or my brother say anything to Austin that could've possibly offended him or something?"

"I don't think so." She tells after giving it a think for few seconds. "What happened, Iris?"

"Well, Austin seems to be avoiding me and I'm not sure why." I look down at my feet still reasoning out his behaviour. I wouldn't have gotten worried about him behaving like this if it was just like one of those normal days we spent trying to ignore each other but he was being strange just after my parents' and my brother's visit which made me feel uneasy.

"Uh, I can't really think about anything that could've offended him. They were all sweet to each other." I nod still feeling this unsettling emotion growing inside me.

"What were they all doing before I came back home?"

"Well, they arrived an hour before you came here and yeah, they were all looking at your wedding album and later, Austin went upstairs with your brother. I don't really think they both had a bitter fight or anything because they both were being nice to each other later too." She's right. John can't hide his feelings, so if he had had a fight with Austin, he wouldn't be able to hide it. It was definitely the wedding album. It ruined his mood.

"Okay." I look down, not knowing what exactly should I be feeling about this. I just felt bleak. "Can I join you?" I ask her in hopes to kill the time I had saved for hanging out with Austin, which got ruined.

"I guess," her voice almost being inaudible. "Iris, I don't really know what exactly is going on in your mind but I think you should talk to him before you misunderstand the situation." I nod but I know that it wouldn't be easy to bring this up in front of him because to start with, it shouldn't even matter to me if he ignores me or not. It was just yesterday that I got to know that he looks at me as a friend and now he probably just wants me out of his sight from the way he avoided me today.

5:13 p.m

I park my car and help Caroline to carry few other bags that she couldn't. I had hoped to see Austin's car being parked in its usual place but it obviously wasn't there.

"Caroline, I'll be working upstairs." I say after keeping the vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator that were in the bag. "And you don't have to cook dinner for me."

"Iris," I turn my neck to look at her. "I know you are sad for your own reasons but don't skip your dinner for that."

"It's not like that." I shake my head and look away. "I just had too much food because of my parents for lunch." I do not lie completely and she gives in with hesitation.

10:03 p.m

I  close all the paperworks and my notebook, heading to the bathroom to take a shower that could refresh me and my mind.

I get on the bed after the shower and close my eyes once I hit my head on the pillow. 


 My mind is filled with thoughts of him which I tried to avoid by completing the work which is due for the next two days. I guess he hates to see me on the same bed as he's supposed to sleep and probably that's the reason why he told me that he will come home late, to avoid me just like he did on our first day here. Since, I didn't want to make it worse for him, I try distracting myself by thinking about my work that could help me drift to sleep faster.

Monday, 14th October, 2019
6:00 a.m

I open my eyes once my alarm goes off and do not find him next to me. It's not possible for him to avoid sleeping here and that makes one thing certain. He is definitely avoiding me because he had never once woken up this early in the morning from the day I've been sleeping with him and it hurts to know that he's willing to lose his sleep just to avoid me. I feel like a nuisance to his life.

I get ready to head to the company and once I get downstairs, I look at Caroline preparing the breakfast.

"Caroline," I call her asking for her attention. "I'll be having breakfast at the company." I inform her to not waste her efforts to which she sighs, being disappointed. "I promise, I will." I assure her without actually meaning it.

"By the way, did Austin come home last night?" I'm pretty sure she would know about it because she's like the third eye of Ms. Mabel in this house.

"Well, he did come by midnight and left at around half past five in the morning, I guess." Her words hurts me even more even though I had expected this. I didn't know that I would cause so much trouble to a person. It probably wouldn't have hurt me this much if we hadn't gotten a bit close to each other. Especially, after he told me that we are friends. I guess, we're back to strangers now. 

"Okay, I'll get going now." I take my leave heading to the company.

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