12. Bloody Honeymoon

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Thursday, 3rd October, 2019
3:00 a.m

We reach the airport at the right time. We chose not to sleep again this night as we weren't comfortable yet. So, we just chose to just drive all night, after packing all our stuffs and keeping our stuffs in the car, by taking turns to drive until it was late enough to reach the airport.

Until I reached the airport, I wasn't aware that Ms. Mabel's secretary would be coming with us too. It's really getting very much annoying. I have, now, just become a toy she can play with.

Friday, 4th October, 2019
5:00 a.m

We check in our hotel which was pre booked by Ms. Mabel. Annoying! We both were bound to share one room. Annoying! Her secretary's room was just opposite to our room. Annoying! This fucking room has no couch. Annoying! The bed was a single person mattress. What the heck!? Fucking annoying!

I feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach and my back, making me realise that I might have got my periods. Fuck! I did not pack my pads. How can I even forget that? I'm such a senseless person. God, save me!

"Austin, can I use the restroom first?" I ask with a horrific face.

"Yeah, sure." He says being confused.

I rush to the restroom and, thankfully, my pants aren't stained. I try to calm myself down and check if I had really got my periods or not.



No wonder, I was very much annoyed by everything than I would usually be.

How can I even forget that my date was near? Does my brain even work? What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I start crying while criticizing myself for forgetting my pads. The cramps were getting worse and I couldn't stand on my feet anymore. I lose my grip on floor and fall on the bathroom floor which makes me squeak in pain. My whole body starts to ache and tears were still falling down my cheeks mercilessly when all of a sudden I hear knocks on the bathroom door.

I sniff and answer, "Yeah".

"Is everything okay, Iris?" Austin speaks in a concerned voice.

I don't respond. I didn't want to get out of the bathroom. To be honest, I couldn't even get up as the pain kept on getting worse and my tears were not stopping to drop down my cheeks.

"Iris?" He calls again and I start getting anxious, making my cramps even worse.

I cover my mouth so that he wouldn't know I am crying. How much I wish I had my pills right now. I feel like I'm close to my death bed.

"IRIS, ANSWER!" He starts to shout and bangs the door hardly, making my stomach ache even more due to anxiety, the loud sounds of him and the banging door.

"Yeah," I say in a low voice but audible enough and it was very much obvious that I was crying by the way I answered. He stops banging the door which calms me a bit.

"Iris, open the door." He says softly this time.

I take my time to get up from the floor and pull myself towards the door with the support of the wall to help me walk, without me having to fall again.

I open the door and look at Austin. This was the first time I saw him with fear and worry in his eyes.

"What happened?" He asks with a tone of worry.

"I got my periods. Could you please get me some pads? I forgot to carry some with me." I say while tears were still on my cheeks.

"I'll get them soon. Don't cry, please." He wipes my tears away with his fingers, "Do you need me to get any medicines for your cramps?" I nod wearily and tell him the medication I usually take, "I'll get them too. Just wait for me okay?" He says and I nod. He leaves in a hurry after taking a last glance at me and I close the bathroom door but don't lock it this time. I once again sit down on the floor as my legs were slowly giving up.

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