42. Diary

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-One year later-

Sunday, January 24, 2021
7:18 a.m

Dated: 21st December, 1998

I kept walking down the midnight silent street, hoping I would stop breathing soon, as my third ex's words kept ringing in my head. "You don't deserve to be loved."

The worst part was that I wasn't sad because he told me that, but I was sad because the first face that came to my mind was David when he said that. Did David think the same as him? Is that why he stopped sending letters to me? Maybe yeah. I probably am not the kind of person who deserves to be loved.

But today, I'm not here to vent because today is a special day to me.

As I was walking down, completely heartbroken, I heard a kid sobbing at the corner of a building. I rushed near the place where I heard the soft and heartbreaking cries, and found a little kid, lightly dressed in this terribly cold weather. I hurriedly took my jacket off and covered the kid as I started to feel bad for him.

I asked him why was he there all alone, dressed so lightly when it was freezing cold and he said that his father had gone to get some candies for him and that he would return soon. I kind of guessed that his dad probably left him there on purpose but I wanted to have some hope in humanity.

I waited for ten minutes with the kid and as expected no one returned to take him back with them. Since, the weather was getting terribly colder, I told him that we could wait for his dad in my house and as expected, he refused it and so I had to wait for another thirty minutes with him as I covered him properly with my jacket while I was freezing.

Past thirty minutes, still, no one came to pick him up. I didn't have no more energy to stay in the cold and I literally begged the kid to come with me to my home because I didn't want to leave a little kid all alone out here when it was freezing cold. Lastly, when I promised that we would search for his dad in the morning, he accepted to come to my house thankfully, or else I would have just freezed to death with him because firstly, I'm more stubborn than he could ever be and there was no way I'd let him all alone and lastly, I didn't have any will to live anyway, at that moment.

He is currently sleeping in my room while I'm in the living room. He told his name is Austin. A pretty name for a pretty boy. He remembered that he was five years old after two minutes of asking his age. He's terribly cute.

I do not know why he was there all alone but whoever left him there, not even covering the small kid with warm clothes, has no heart at all. Tomorrow, I'll go in search of his parents as promised and I have no idea what to do or say to him if I do not get to know about them or if I get know that they abandoned him. It's sad and I feel like crying because I know how it feels to be abandoned.

I just hope the best for that little kid.


I left for my work in the morning and the little kid promised me that he would stay in my home until I find out about his dad. I just hope I find his parents soon.


His dad abandoned him and left to another country and his mom, I have no idea where she is. From what I heard, she never lived with them. The little kid is waiting in my house to hear about his dad while I'm in the company, not wanting to return to my house because I do not want to break the small kid's pure heart.

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