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She did not sleep. She was haunted by the images of Aleksander in the dark alleyway covered in blood. Every time she closed her eyes, that was the image that conjured up in her mind. She had read horrifying things as a law school student but seeing something that horrifying in real life was completely different. Worse, the whole night she felt Aleksander's lips feather light as they kissed the top of her hand.

Alina had a whole life she had to get back to. Classes, and friends. The sunlight filtered in through the window and she glanced around looking for her cell phone, but it was no where to be seen. Of course, he hadn't left it for her. She had witnessed him in his criminal element, doing unspeakable things. Obviously, he wasn't going to leave her alone with a cell phone.

There was a knock on the door. A pretty, young woman with jet black hair, blue eyes, and brown skin. She wore a blue skirt with a white blouse and high heels. She pulled in a clothing rack and someone else came in carrying boxes of what Alina could only assume to be shoes.

"Miss Starkov," said the young woman, "I'm Zoya Nazyalensky. I'm Aleksander's assistant. Aleksander had some clothes prepared for you since you are starting an internship with the company, and then he said that after you were dressed you were to meet him in the kitchen for breakfast. Together, the two of you will go to his work."

Alina got up from the bed. "Are you kidding me? He just expects me to have breakfast with him, and go into the internship, and act like he isn't kidnapping me?"

Zoya locked eyes with her. "I'm sorry. Is there something that I've missed? I was informed by Mr. Morozova that you were his soulmate."

She sighed, and she ran a hand through her own dark hair. "I mean, technically. But I...I've seen things, Miss Nazyalensky. I know the type of man that he is. Surely, you must know also. I can't seriously stay here."

Zoya shook her head. "A soulmate is a blessing from the saints. To reject their blessing is to forfeit your life. You should know that Miss Starkov. Now, was Mr. Morozova wrong in saying that he was your soulmate?"

Alina's stomach clenched. It was so clear to her that Zoya wasn't going to help her no matter what monstrosities she told her. Of course, Zoya worked for the man. She probably had her own monstrous things to deal with and wouldn't think twice about anything that Aleksander did. "You're not going to help me, are you?"

Zoya gestured to the clothing rack. "To help you dress for breakfast, with Mr. Morozova, I will absolutely help you. As for everything else, you do not need rescuing. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, Miss Starkov. Besides, Aleksander Morozova is the deadliest person in any room he walks into. As long as you are with him, you will always be safe. Now, I've been told that the color blue looks very fetching on you. But Aleksander's favorite color is black. I've got plenty of options picked out. What do you say?"

Alina glared from Zoya, over to the clothes. The last thing she wanted was to dress and have breakfast with the man that had killed someone in cold blood the night before. But if she wasn't with him, she was going to forfeit her life. The saints did not like it when their blessings were rejected, and Aleksander Morozova, somehow, was supposed to be her blessing. Although she had no idea how when he seemed like a nightmare in a human.

"I prefer blue," Alina told Zoya, "I don't care what colors Aleksander Morozova likes."

Zoya chuckled. "Keep that attitude, Miss Starkov, and you'll be able to survive this world yet. There's a bathroom off to the side if you would like to shower, and if you leave your clothes out on the bed I can have them washed and hung up for you."

Alina rummaged through the clothing rack, until she found a perfectly respectable white blouse, a blue blazer, and a blue skirt. She grabbed a pair of black heels that had a pair of tights.

"There's underwear in the dresser," Zoya told her.

Alina sighed, and she went to the dresser. Everything was lace, or silk, and nothing was simple. She picked a pair of beige panties, and a white bra. Then, she went to the shower where she washed off the grime of the night before. She scrubbed and scrubbed at the tattoo, wishing that soap could easily get rid of what was so obviously a mistake. Once she was showered, she dressed, and she found that her makeup bag had been placed in the bathroom along with her purse. She did her makeup, and her hair, and when she was done she walked out to find Zoya sitting on her bed texting.

Zoya looked up and smiled at her. "You look cute. Exactly the image of the innocent, young intern. He'll love that."

Alina rolled her eyes. "I don't care what he loves."

Zoya grinned. "You will once you taste his chef's homemade waffles. Then, you'll want to propose marriage. Come on, I'll show you where the dining room is. You'll absolutely love it."

"I'm more of a pancakes girl," she lied.

"Oh, he does good pancakes too." Zoya winked at her. "Come along, Miss Starkov. You've got a very, very full day ahead of you." 

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