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Alina had never been the type of girl that had gone to fancy charity events. The event at The Little Palace was one of the most important museums in Ravka. She wore a black dress, and heals, and was running around making sure that everything had gone smoothly. Nikolai came over to her about thirty minutes in.

"How's it going?" he asked.

She smiled. "Well, I think. Everyone's drunk and happy which is exactly what we want. When the bidding begins, they'll spend a lot of money."

"Good," said Nikolai.

"I also booked a little entertainment for the evening."

"Entertainment?" Nikolai raised an eyebrow.

Alina nodded. "I thought it might spice things up a bit."

"What kind of entertainment did you book?"

She winked. "A girl never reveals her secrets."

"Cute, Alina, but this is a very particular crowd."

"It will be magic."

"Please tell me that you didn't get a magician. This isn't really the type of crowd that does well with a magician."

Alina laughed. "Go enjoy your evening, Nikolai. Zoya's here."

He flinched. "What earthly reason could you possibly have for inviting Zoya here?"

"You know. You know as well as I do." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Quite hiding, Nikolai. Everyone in the world can see it except for you."

Nikolai scowled. "I think hiring you was quite possibly the worst decision that I have ever made."

"When you have everything, you want, you won't be saying that."

"I want to reconsider giving you this job."

Alina chuckled. "Funny, but it's a bit too late for that. I'm going to go check on the entertainment."

She left Nikolai alone, muttering to himself. And, as she went down one of the many hallways of The Little Palace, she felt a cool hand grab her roughly into the shadows. "Alina," Aleksander's voice said, sending shivers down her spine.

Using her cell phone as a flash light, she looked up at him. "Aleks. This wasn't part of the plan."

"I know," he said, "but I was going crazy without seeing you."

"Is everything set up?"

He nodded, and started to kiss her neck. "They're on their way. Luda's going to use her magic to get The Darkling out of here. Once that happens, then she'll use it to lock The Starless Saint in there."


"I didn't ask the particulars."

Alina pulled away. "You didn't think knowing the plan might not be important?"

Aleksander furrowed his brows. "I don't care about their bull shit, Alina. All I care about is making certain that you are safe. That's the only reason I'm here."

"But The Starless Saint won't get it?" Alina asked.

"No," said Aleksander, "no, we're going to make sure of-----"

"Saints, I forgot how obnoxious the two of you always are."

The two of them jumped at the sound of the voice. The Starless Saint had opened the closet door that they were in.

"What are you doing here?" Aleksander said, pulling Alina to the side so that she was behind him.

"You two had gone radio silent. I thought I would check in on you to make certain that you were going through with the plan."

"Is that really why you're here?" Aleksander demanded. "Or are you here to make things difficult for me since you already had me get put in prison once?"

The Starless Saint grinned. "I'm here to get what I deserve."

"We told you that we would get The Darkling for you. All you have to do is wait."

"Yes, but I've been around for centuries, Morozova, and humans are nothing if not creatures of habit. I had to make sure that you weren't going to disappoint me. I am nothing if not thorough."

"You need to go!" Aleksander said through gritted teeth. "You're going to be a distraction and ruin everything."

"I don't think so. I'm taking over."

"Taking over what?" Aleksander said.

"The evening, Morozova. Just to make sure that everything goes exactly to plan. And if you don't allow me to do so I will make certain that you two never see each other again."

"No!" Alina gasped.

"Yes," The Starless Saint hissed, "and you would do well to follow me too. I can be certain to make your life miserable if you don't follow me as well." The room went cold, and then there were shadows hovering over The Starless Saints head. They seemed to have a life of their own, and they reached out to wrap around Aleksander tightly, making him let out a cry of pain.

"Stop!" Alina shouted. "Stop!" She bowled over, and she could feel the pain coming from Aleksander as the shadows wrapped around him.

"Do as I say then," The Starless Saint said, "otherwise, I will kill the both of you. I have no qualms with that."

"Stop hurting him! Please, please, please," she begged. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" he said with a grin, and one of the shadows reached out to caress Alina's cheek.

"Yes," she rasped, as her throat was tightening from the shadows wrapped around Aleksander's neck. "Whatever you want."

The shadows disappeared. The pain left Aleksander, and Alina could breathe again. "Delightful." The Starless Saint held out his hand. "Come with me then, Miss Starkov. We've got a plan to put on."

"You're vile," Alina told him.

"Not the first time I've heard that. You really should come up with something original."

Aleksander watched in horror as the door slammed shut on its own by one of The Starless Saints shadow tendrils that had come out again. Then, he felt a sharp pain like a needle from a shot going through him and was overcome with drowsiness. And he promptly fell to the ground. Because Alina had been knocked out too. 

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