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March, 21st, 2022

The Ravkaan Daily News

Stad Watch Officials are shocked as The Darkling, an ancient Faberge egg from the Tsar period has disappeared. After a charity event hosted by Nikolai Lantsov, The Little Palace's windows were blown out by an unknown force. And the egg has been missing ever since.

There was blood found on the floor of The Little Palace that couldn't be identified. In place of The Darkling, there was a statue of two lovers trapped in an embrace. No one knows who the artist is or how the statue came to be in The Little Palace in the first place. The statue bears a remarkable resemblance to The Starless Saint.

When Nikolai Lantsov was questioned on the subject, he was just as confused as everyone else. He has also not been seen in Ravka since the event as he has been in Novyi Zem with his soulmate, Miss Zoya Nazyalensky.

Reporters have spotted them enjoying themselves in The True Sea that surrounds it. 

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