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"Did you check on her?" Aleksander asked.

Zoya, who was sitting in her usual spot drinking a mimosa, glared at him. "Of course, I did. She didn't answer."

"She can't possibly be ignoring me still. I heard her moaning last night. She probably doesn't even know that women can masturbate, she's that innocent. I know it was the blasted cookies making her moan."

Zoya groaned. "You do not pay me enough to make me listen about your sex life, or lack thereof. It is not my fault you're a psychopath the Saints decided needed something to make your cold, dead heart feel alive and gave it to you in the form of a soulmate that would make Anne Shirley say, wow, even I've never romanticized things that much."

There was the sound of high heels walking across the floor then. The two of them looked up, and saw Alina come into the dining room. She wore a blue blouse, a black blazer, and a black skirt. Her black hair fell in soft curls around her shoulders, and she smelled of the perfume that Aleksander had picked out for her.

He remembered Mal had gotten her Irises for her graduation. Alina had thanked him and said that they were her favorite flower. He'd had Genya search for months until she finally found someone that made it, and he bought multiple bottles of the fancy, blue perfume bottles for her. Aleksander's cock was also painfully aware that she wasn't wearing tights, and all he could focus on as she took her seat at the far end of the table.

Alina started filling her plate wordlessly.

"Did you enjoy your dessert, Alina?" Aleksander asked with a smirk.

Alina looked up and shot him a withering glare. "I've had better."

"Oh, I doubt that. Those were made at the finest Ravkaan bakery in Os Alta. They were $100 each."

Alina coughed and took a sip of her orange juice. "You spent that much on cookies?"

He smiled at her. "Only the finest for my soulmate."

She chewed thoughtfully and was quiet for a moment. "Were you the one that picked out the perfume?"

"Genya helped," he supplied, "but I remembered that Mal got you irises for graduation and I thought you might like the fragrance."

Alina took a sip of her orange juice again. "It's nice."

"Are you ready to come to work with me today?" he asked.

"No, I've set up an appointment with my advisor at the University."

"What for?"

"To see about other internships," Alina said, "I heard that the Lantsov firm has a good program as well, and it's not too late for me to change my internship."

Aleksander clenched his jaw. "You know that I am business associates with Nikolai Lantsov. I could simply call him, and I could tell him not to allow you to intern at his company."

Alina held up her cell phone. "You could do that. Or I could call the stad watch and tell them exactly what I saw the notorious Ravkaan fixer doing the other night in a dark alley way."

Zoya coughed. "I'm about to witness a murder without a weapon. I did not think it was possible."

"Zoya," Aleksander said, "why don't you head into the office early?"


"Go to the office, now."

Zoya got up and grabbed her things, and then she shot Alina a sympathetic look before leaving.

Aleksander had his arms stretched out on the table, and he clenched his fists together tightly. "Alina, I do not want to be the villain, but I will be if I have to. I can make sure that you don't even complete your program here, or anywhere else, if you decide to go against my wishes."

Alina glared at him. "You're really going to go that far?"

"If it means protecting my empire, yes," said Aleksander, "I will. The Lantsovs are our competition. I will not have my soulmate working there."

Alina jutted out her chin. "You know, you are not the only one that can play at this game, Morozova. You might be all big and powerful but while you are on your ego power trip there's one thing that you've forgotten."

Aleksander leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh really? What is that, Sunshine?"

"You were right in saying we could feel each other. And that we both wanted each other. Which means that I've got the upper hand."

"How do you figure?" Aleksander said.

"Because I can think of a million things to drive you crazy, and you've given me all of the tools that I need to do so. The clothes, the perfume...maybe I can't think of some grand scheme to destroy you, but I don't need a grand scheme. I just need myself. Let me go to this meeting to change my internship, and I'll let you play with my pussy, Morozova."

Aleksander's whole body went completely tense. "It won't work. No one will give you an internship once the word gets out who your soulmate is anyway. And I've already spread the word."

"Let me go meet with my advisor," Alina said, "I'll let you stick your fingers, your tongue...maybe even a toy or two."

He chuckled. "You, Miss Starkov, are not as Saintly as you seem."

Alina smiled. "Do we have a deal?"

Aleksander sighed. "We have a deal, Sunshine. The sun burns after all, I guess." 

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