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Alina had never played with herself before. 'Idle hands' were something Ana Kuya had always chided them for as teenagers, and it led to hands being tied at night. Once she got older, she had been so stuck on Mal she had never taken any of the dates that she'd had seriously enough to approach them for sex. And she had never been the casual sex type. If she was going to be with someone, she wanted to be in a relationship with them.

Now, she was laid out on the bed with her soulmate looking at her with a ravenous expression. "You promised you wouldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to," she reminded him.

He smirked at her. "Of course, I did. And you promised I would get to play with your pussy. Per your request, that is all that I will do tonight. But who knows, Sunshine, maybe by the time you feel the things that I am going to do with my tongue you'll want a little more. My cocks been hard since you got here, and I know that little pussy of yours is throbbing with want for me."

Aleksander had removed his hand, and Alina went to close her thighs again. "Ah, ah, ah." He wagged his finger at her. "Spread those legs for me, baby. Keep them nice and open." Alina spread her legs, and Aleksander stroked in between her thighs. He pressed a kiss on the inside of one leg, and then an inside of her other.

His beard brushed her legs, making Alina shiver.

He chuckled at her. "We'll start with just one, hmmm?" he stuck one finger in her pussy, and he watched as Alina's eyes widened from the sensation. He rubbed, and rubbed, and watched as Alina's toes curled from the sensation and Alina let out a mewling sound.

Aleksander smirked at her. "Oh, I like that sound."

Alina couldn't focus. All she could focus on was Aleksander's touch. First it was one finger, languidly rubbing her slit. Then, he put in another. Alina was cumming all over hand and her breath was being panty, little gasps. Aleksander watched her with a hooded gaze. For a second, she was reminded of the dangerous killer in the alley way she had seen when she had first been 'Blessed'.

It should have frightened her, remembering that night. But now, as she had him making her feel all of those lovely things, Alina couldn't focus on anything else. "Stop!" Alina shouted.

Aleksander stopped. "Alina? Are you alright?"

She got up off of the bed. "I can't do this."

"Alina," he said softly, "what's got you frightened, Sunshine?"

"You," she said, and before he could stop her, she was already out the door of the bedroom. Aleksander scowled, and he got up off of the bed to go after her, chasing her down the halls of the apartment.

"Alina!" he shouted. "Come on, come back here. You liked what I was doing."

She stopped and turned around to look at him. "How long?"

He frowned. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"How long before I become like you?" she asked. "Before I can have blood on me, and not flinch? Before I see or do something terrible, and I don't even think about it? Before...before I don't care about the type of person fucking me?"

Aleksander flinched at the last one. "Well, that last bit won't be a problem, because the only person fucking you will be me. As for the rest...well, that's all up to you, Alinochka, and how much you want to embrace the darkness in your life."

Alina sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I know...I should be happy about this. I spent my whole life believing in soulmates and wanting one. And now I have one and..."

He walked over to her, closing the space between them, and he cupped her chin in his hands making her look up at him. "I don't want you to become a monster. I think you think I delight in watching you fall and become more like me. That isn't what I want."

"What do you want?" Alina asked.

"I want you," he said, "I have since I saw you in that blue dress on your graduation have no idea how jealous I was of Mal when I learned you two were moving in together. I almost killed him."

Alina glared at him. "Morozova, your solution to everything can't be let's shoot things."

"But it's so efficient."

"If I'm going to be with you, and commit to us, I need to find a way to be in this world that doesn't leave my soul completely rotted. I don't think I'm going to be okay otherwise. I know you don't like 'The Do-Gooder' part of me, but that's just who I am."

Aleksander pressed his fingers to the temple of his forehead. "It isn't that I don't like 'The Do-Gooder' part of you, Alina. It's that people like that in my world usually get killed because they don't know when the shadows have come calling to claim them. I don't relish you being in this world. But as it is, we've been sewn together, and unless I would like to rip my own life out as well, we are stuck together. All I want to do is to make sure the both of us survive it. That means, Alina, you're going to have to embrace the shadows a bit."

Alina sighed. "But if I'm going to survive you, you need to able to come into the light a bit more. The only reason shadows exist is because of the light letting them."

He sighed. "I don't know that I've got any left in me."

"That's the thing about light, Aleksander. You can always find it or make it if you try hard enough."

He smiled softly at her. "Sunshine," he murmured, "I'll try." 

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