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Aleksander froze. She thought that she really had something, didn't she? He put down his paper, and his coffee, then got up from his chair and walked over to where she stood. "Alright. If you're so intent on dying, because I'm so vile and corrupt, and you think we should both forfeit our lives because of it I suggest that you stay here."

Alina frowned. "What are you talking about?"

He smiled and stroked his beard. "If, as you say, the both of us are going to be dead because you are determined to let us get swallowed up into the nothingness of the world then there's no point in you coming today. No need for you to be introduced to the head of my foundation, that works on overturning cases for those that were wrongly accused. No need for you to have your welcome lunch. Or meet our receptionist Marie, who keeps cupcakes by her desk that she bakes. Or to find out that at least half of your friends are employed by me."

Alina glared at him. "You're lying."

"You met Genya through Mal, did you not?"

Alina nodded. "Yes."

Aleksander stroked his beard again. "Genya works at a line of boutiques that I own. She helped Zoya pick out your clothes. Kaz Brekker is my partner at The Crow Club, which is another one of my holdings, and Inej works club security. Nina is a med school student, who frequently stitches up my employees without question. Matthias is also security. Wylan is my accountant. Jesper is one of my private detectives, and of course, there is your dear, best friend and my cousin, Mal. Everyone you know and love is connected through me, Alinochka. The saints do not make mistakes. We were always supposed to be together, they just waited until the perfect time to bring us together."

Alina's head was spinning. She was in his world because Mal was in his world. The saints had wanted her there, with this man that stabbed people and left them for dead without bleeding. "Who was the man that you killed?" she asked.

He laughed. "Which time?"

Alina glared at him. "You know very, very well which time I'm referring to. Last night. Who was the man that you were killing?"

He shrugged. "Someone that got in my way."

"And that's how you always do business?" she said.

He nodded. "Yes, that's how I always do business. If you get in my way, or you dishonor me or someone I care about, I won't stop until they are dead, or they get what they deserve. Keep that in mind as you try to extinguish me, Miss Starkov."

"But everyone I care about is someone that you care about."

He laughed. "What makes you think I care about anything?"

"Because if you didn't, you wouldn't have gone through the trouble of making sure that I knew about that connection."

There was the sound of a plate scraping then. The two of them glanced over at Zoya, who was watching them with rabid interest. "Oh, go on. This is almost as good as the soap operas that I watch."

Aleksander sighed and stepped forward. "You want to know what I think, Miss Starkov?"

"Not particularly, but you're fond enough of hearing yourself talk, so go ahead and tell me."

"Soulmates exist. Soulmates exist because the world says the world is a cold, lonely place and you need someone to survive the days when you don't feel like surviving. Someone to get you through both the bad and the good times. That's why soulmates exist. Let me ask you, Alina, when was the last time you witnessed a miracle?"

Alina stared at him. "What does that have anything to do with anything?"

"Everything," he said, as he reached out and stroked her cheek, making her shiver, "love exists. Love is real. Love is powerful. There is no such thing as fucking Saints, Alina. So fuck the saints, my dear. Be a sinner. Have some waffles."

Alina spat at him. "Rot in your darkness, Morozova."

He wiped the spit away from his face. "Hmmm. You like spitting. I'll keep that in mind for later. Enjoy your day, Alina. I'll be back this evening. Perhaps. Zoya, are you ready?"

Alina glanced over at Zoya, who winked at her as she shoved some pastries into her purse before leaving and downed the rest of her coffee. "Good luck, Starkov. It's Aleksander 1, Alina zero. I'll see you later."

The two of them left, and when they were gone, Alina headed towards the door only to realize for the first time that Fedyor was there. He grinned. "Good morning, Miss Starkov."

Alina raised an eyebrow at him. "Aren't you supposed to guard Morozova?"

He nodded. "Traditionally, yes," he said, "but Aleksander thought that it was more important that I guard you."

Alina scowled. "There's no chance you're going to have a moment of humanity and let me escape, are you?"

Fedyor shook his head. "Oh no. I very much believe in the power of soulmates, and the Saints."

She sighed.

"You really should try the waffles though," he said, "they're delicious."

Alina glanced back at the breakfast table and glared at it. Then she stormed back to her room, locking the door behind her. She wasn't going to be trying waffles though. She wouldn't be taking anything at all from Aleksander Morozova. Instead, she was going to make certain that he lost absolutely everything. 

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