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Alina woke up in the morning, with stickiness down her legs, and an ache all over her body. But it was a different kind of ache then the one that had filled her the past several days. It was the kind of ache that came from being freshly fucked by the man you loved. Alina glanced over at Aleksander and saw that he was sleeping soundly next to her. His arms were wrapped around her tightly, and he had buried his face into her neck. She smiled at him and reached out to brush a stray strand of his black hair out of his face.

There were different types of faith, Alina had realized last night. Which was a strange thing to realize as you were being fucked by the man that you loved. There was faith in your beliefs, and faith in the people that you loved. Alina had faith in Aleksander. He might have done terrible things, but he hadn't had a choice about the terrible things that he'd had to do. And that, Alina realized, was how the world worked.

There was no good and bad. There was only doing what was good for you and hoping that you might not hurt anyone in the process. "You're anxious," this came from Aleksander, who was awake, but still had his eyes closed, and his face buried in her neck.

Alina glanced over at him. "It's really not fair that you can feel everything that I can feel. It means I can never surprise you."

Aleksander chuckled. "You surprise me all of the time. You blackmailed my father."

Alina blushed. "I didn't blackmail him. I just reminded him of the power Blessings have with the church. If people don't believe in the Blessings, how likely are they to believe in his power?"

Aleksander grinned at her. "You then told him that you would go public with your findings if he didn't release me, and make people question the validity of his faith. That sounds like blackmail to me, darling." He kissed her on the cheek. "You don't need to worry about judgement. You've already seen me at my worst and then some, and yet somehow you are still here with me. I like seeing this side of you, Alina."

"What side of me?" Alina asked.

"The dark side."

Alina blushed. Had she gone dark? In that one, small moment in the church? Most people didn't try to get people out of prison if they had done something wrong. Most people left them to rot there. Aleksander had done wrong things, but not the thing that The Apparat was trying to frame him for. "There might be some benefits to embracing a darker side of life, I suppose."

Aleksander chuckled. "You suppose." He kissed her, deeply that time, and Alina could feel herself getting wet between her thighs again. "I suppose that if we want to save ourselves, we're going to have to do some very dark things. So you might as well enjoy those benefits."

"And what might those benefits be?" Alina asked. "Of a darker side of life?"

"Well, for one thing," Aleksander started to say, "you don't have to be a model citizen and do all of the things that you are supposed to do. You can stay in bed, and get thoroughly fucked by your delightful soulmate, as we wait for Kaz to come back from Fjerda so that we can come up with a plan to get that ridiculous egg for my ancestor."

Alina blushed harder. "Is this your way of saying that I should stay in bed, and let you fuck me again instead of being productive?"

"Well, I was arrested dearest. Think of all that time we lost when I was in prison. We've got to make up for the time that we weren't in bed, my darling girl."

Alina smiled at him. "I suppose I could do that."

"Sit up on your knees for me, won't you, darling?" he purred. "I've got a very special way I'd like to fuck you that we haven't done before."

Alina got up on her knees, with her back turned to him. Aleksander was also on his knees, his back to the headboard of their bed. Aleksander rubbed her bottom, and then, he stuck a single finger in the crevice of it, making her gasp. With his left hand, he held onto her breast, massaging her nipples so hard that she cried out from his touch.

"When I was locked up, all I could think about was this one, little hole that I hadn't fucked yet. And how very sad it would be if I didn't get to fuck it, my dearest girl. So, I'm going to fuck you there now." He brushed her hair back, and then he was kissing her neck.

Alina was trying to focus on something----anything-----but there was only Aleksander. The smell of his sweat, and cologne, and the feel of his finger in her bottom. And then, quite suddenly, his cock replaced it, and he thrust, and trust, while gripping her breast to keep him steady. There was the slapping of their skin on each other, and the feeling of Aleksander's seed filling her up. Aleksander came inside of her, gripping her so tightly as she did it was a wonder they didn't sink into each other's skin and become one somehow.

Finally, Alina collapsed on the pillows, and Aleksander collapsed on top of Alina. "You know what was strange, about The Apparat thing?"

"What?" Aleksander said, trailing kisses down her back that made her shiver.

"When I sat there in his office, all I could think about was you. I didn't care what I would have to do to get you back. Steal, beg, threaten, kill.... I would have done every, deep dark thing this world had in it if it meant you coming back to me. And I wouldn't have felt bad about a single one of them."

"That's love," he said.

"That's madness," she replied, "but love sounds better. Maybe they're interchangeable."

He chuckled, and sucked on her earlobe, making her groan. "Maybe, malyshka. Maybe." 

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