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He had been on a business call in his office. He had tried not to get distracted, but his cock was hard with desire, a fucking tent in his pants, and he knew instantly why. Alina was playing with herself. He finished the call abruptly, and then he made his way back to his room to the bathroom where Alina was in the shower. He watched as she wiped away the steam. He was aware, painfully, that she was completely naked and quite literally wet before him.

"Are you playing with yourself, malyshka? Are you trying to make me crazy on purpose?" His nostrils were flared, and all he could focus on was her perfect, naked body completely before him.

"Maybe," she said, his little minx of a soulmate

"Then, I think you'd better suffer the consequences." Aleksander snarled, and then he pulled off his clothes. Once he was naked, he opened the door, and got into the shower. He could feel Alina's gaze raking up his entire, naked body. "Like what you see, Sunshine?"

A low, moan came from her mouth and Aleksander took that as a compliment. "Can I kiss you?" he asked. "It seems wrong that I've played with your little pussy, and I haven't kissed you yet."

Alina turned beat red, and she nodded yes, apparently at a loss for words. Aleksander kissed her, pushing her up against the wall, pressing his full body against her. He pinned her wrists up and he bit her lip has he kissed her roughly, and Alina let out a little whine. Aleksander's cock was pressing against her leg.

"Oh, you've got no idea how much I want to fuck you right here, in the shower. But I won't. I'll take things slow. But I definitely am going to have you, my sweet thing, and when I do there will be no holding back."

"I want you," she said, "please. Please make me feel..."

"Make you feel what, my dear?" he growled.

"Make me feel good, Daddy," she whined, and Aleksander's eyes went dark. He hadn't expected to like her calling him that, but there was something about it that made him absolutely feral.

"Alright, Sunshine," he said, "I'll make you feel good."

With one hand, he played with her left breast, massaging it and rolling her nipple under his thumb. Then, he placed his hand in between her legs, and he started to massage her there in between her folds. "Oh, this is going to be my favorite place. Right here, in between your legs," he told her.

"Aleks," she whined, and he rubbed her harder, sticking another finger in her.

"Why don't I lick your pretty pussy clean, hmm?"

He lowered himself down on the wet, shower floor. It was probably dangerous, doing this in a place that was so slippery. But at that moment, all he could think of was that he wanted to make her cum on his tongue. "Spread your legs for me, Alinochka."

Alina spread her legs, and then Aleksander buried his face in between her thighs. He lifted her legs up and placed them over his shoulders, gripping them tightly as he licked in between her folds. Alina gripped his head tightly, holding onto his hair, and Alina cried out as he licked her. She was wet, sopping wet with desire and Aleksander was obsessed with the taste of her. He didn't want to remove his tongue. Alina's legs clenched around his shoulders as she completely and totally gave into the desire that he was making her feel.

She called out his name, and it echoed off of the shower walls, and then she was gasping, gasping at his touch. Then, eventually, he came out from in between her legs and he placed her gingerly back on the shower floor. Her face was flushed, her hair mused, and her nipples were pebbled.

"Did that feel good, malyshka?" he asked, as he kissed her neck.

Alina moaned. " are..."

He pulled away from her, and he cradled the back of her head in his hands. "I'm what, Sunshine?"

"You are Beis."

Aleksander chuckled. "I will say that's not the first time I've been called a demon. Though if you've already washed, we should probably wash you again sweet thing. I can't have you walking around smelling like sex today. That scent is only for me, no one else."

She smiled at him. "Are you going to help me clean up?"

"Only if you do the same."

Alina glanced down at his cock then. "What if I want to do something more?"

"What do you want to do, hmm? You want to show your Daddy a good time, hmm?"

"How do I..." she was blushing even harder then.

"Oh, don't worry, Sunshine. I'll show you. Give me your hand." Aleksander took her hand, and then guided it to his cock. "Rub up and down for me. There's a good girl."

Alina rubbed him, up and down, up and down, and Aleksander's cock hardened under her touch. A grunt went through him, and the more she did it, the more he could feel it through his whole body, until eventually, he came, and he spurted his seed out onto the shower floor. He gasped her name, and then he stepped forward, cupped her face, and kissed her.

"Oh, my dirty, naughty girl," he said, "we committed a few sins in this shower today, and we're going to have to clean you up all over again. Do you think you can handle it?"

She nodded. "I can handle it, Daddy."

"Good," he said, "my good, good, girl. Let's get you all cleaned up for the day, hmm?"

They managed not to get distracted again somehow, despite how hard it was because every touch made Aleksander and Alina both want more. When they were showered finally, the two of them got out and dressed.

"Where to now?" Alina asked.

"You'll see," he said with a grin, and then pulled her out to the car waiting for them. 

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