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Aleksander was full, which was a good sign. The other day had been absolute torture. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about food. Then, Alina had eaten the cookies, and he had finally been able to feel sated. Soulmate's emotions were a strange thing, he had learned. He could understand when she was panicked, upset, angry or happy. Thirsty or hungry or in pain. He could not, for instance, get sick when she was, nor would he be able to feel when she was pregnant. At least as far as Aleksander knew from his research. That was purely, he assumed, for practical purposes because one soulmate needed to be able to take care of the other if that was the case.

All day long, Aleksander led meetings, and did paperwork. But he could not stop thinking about Alina, uttering the word "pussy" to him. She would let him inside of her, she had said. She would let him stick his tongue, and his fingers, and then eventually, it would be his cock. He would only imagine what her tiny frame would feel like around him. He wanted to be completely inside her, and once he got to taste her pussy, it was only a matter of time before he got to have everything else. He would make sure of that.

There was a knock on the door, and Zoya popped her head in. "I'm headed out. Nikolai's trying to convince me to go to dinner again."

Aleksander laughed at her. "Why don't you just tell him?"

Zoya shook her head. "That's not how it works. Oh, and Matthias called. He said that you needed to call him back immediately."

"Immediately? Did he say what it was about?" Aleksander asked.

Zoya shook his head.

He sighed. "Alright then. I guess I'll give him a call. Why didn't he call me earlier?"

Zoya hesitated. "I think he thought I'd be scarier to deal with."

Aleksander clenched his jaw. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Zoya shook her head. "Call him and ask. I don't know. Gotta go meet Nikolai okay, bye." She quickly left, and Aleksander didn't like the sound of that at all. He glanced at his cell phone where he saw there actually were three missed calls from Matthias within the past hour, but he had been so busy thinking about all of the ways he was going to fuck Alina that he hadn't even noticed.

Saints, maybe the girl was really going to be the death of him.

He took his phone, and he called Matthias as he gathered his things and started to leave. "Matthias, it's Aleksander. Is everything alright?"

"She hasn't come back!" there was panic in Matthias's voice.

Aleksander's hand was gripping his office door handle, about ready to leave. "What do mean, she hasn't come back?"

"I let her go to her meeting with her advisor alone, and she hasn't come back. I've searched all over the University, and Nina helped me too. I've tried calling her cell phone, but she's not answering."

"Fuck!" Aleksander shouted, as he hit the door with his fist. "Matthias, I told you to stay with her."

"It was just a meeting," he said, "I thought she'd be safe. I thought she'd come back."

"What's the first rule of life with me, Matthias?"

Matthias sighed. "No one is ever safe."

"Exactly," he said, "look at the University again but I think I've already got a good idea of where she is. I'll take Fedyor there with me."

"Sir, I'm sorry. I didn't think she would try to escape. That's not like her."

Aleksander sighed. "Just find her. I'll call you if I find her first."

He let the call end, and then he left, with Fedyor following him.

"What happened?" Fedyor asked.

"Alina never came back from her meeting."

"Do you think someone kidnapped her?" Fedyor said.

Aleksander shook his head. "I don't think she was kidnapped. I think she saw a chance to run, and so she ran."

"Where do you think she went?"

"Home, of course," he said, "we've got to go to Mal's apartment. I just hope she's still there. She might have decided..."

"Well, you'll find her sir. Soulmates always do. Come on. I'll drive fast."

The two of them left, and Fedyor did as promised. When they arrived, Aleksander used the key that Mal had given him when he helped move. "Alina?" he called out. There was no answer. But from inside the small dining room Mal had, he heard talking and laughter.

"You honestly told him that?" Mal said.

"Well, I had to do something. He's so smug about everything, and I didn't know what else to do," he heard Alina answer.

Aleksander walked into small dining room attached to the kitchen, and he cleared his throat. "Yes, I am smug about everything, because I am usually right. Just like I was right about not trusting you."

Alina jumped at the sight of him. "I didn't run. Not technically. I just went back to my apartment so I could grab my things."

Aleksander glanced at Mal. "Was she intending on coming back with her things?"

Mal winced. "I'm just sitting here talking with my friend, Aleks. That's all."

"Come on, Miss Starkov. You're coming back with me whether you like it or not. Fedyor will grab your things, and you, if necessary."

Fedyor, who stood right next to him, went and grabbed the two boxes filled with her things, and her backpack.

Alina smiled sadly at Mal. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you," said Mal with a half-hearted wave. 

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