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Alina had only come into contact with Nikolai Lantsov once. He had been a speaker at Ravka University, and she had seriously hoped to work for him for a while. But that was a whole lifetime ago. Before Aleksander, before the Blessing, before everything in her world had turned upside down. A person like her couldn't work for a place protecting people. She had done too many things, and seen too many things, and they would smell the darkness on her. As she stared at the sign, Alina wondered again what she was doing there.

A woman with golden eyes and brown hair came to stand next to her. "Are you just going to stand there all day staring at it? I mean, I know the building is impressive, but it's not that impressive. It's still a building."

Alina blushed. "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just procrastinating. I've got an interview for an internship. One of my friends set it up for me, and I'm debating on going in. I shouldn't have even done it in the first place."

"Why not?" the woman asked.

"Because," said Alina, "my soulmate wouldn't really like it."

The woman laughed. "Ah, that old argument. Well, fuck 'em. Go for it. Nikolai's one of the best prosecuting attorneys out there. He's the future of Ravka. And if you've got an interview, you can change your whole world."

Alina smiled. "Thanks." She took a deep breath. "Okay, I guess I'm going in. I'm sorry. I didn't get your name."

"Tamar," she said with a smile.

"Alina," Alina introduced herself, and the two of them shook hands.

"Alright," said Tamar, "well, good luck. Nikolai likes 'em young and energetic. Seems like you've got that vibe. You're a shoe in."

Alina didn't think so, but she smiled bashfully at Tamar and headed into the building. From behind her, Fedyor followed closely. "Are you sure about this?" he said.

"It's one meeting," said Alina, "and it's not like I signed any contract with Aleksander that I would work with him and only him."

"Starkov, your soulmate is Ravka's fixer. He's done all sorts of naughty things. What does it say if his soulmate is working for the opposing team?"

Alina turned to Fedyor. "Relax, Kaminsky. I can't believe Ivan is married to you. You're such a killjoy."

"I can't believe that Aleksander got saddled with you. You used to be such a quiet goody-goody. What happened?" Fedyor demanded.

Alina shrugged. "I had dick."

Fedyor coughed. "You're going to get us all killed."

"You didn't have to bring me, you know," she said, "you could have stayed home."

"I'm supposed to be your security. Aleksander entrusted you to my care, and so I am here. You also lied and told me that you were going to volunteer with your orphans. You are a minx. A liar. You are a----" Fedyor paused, and Alina patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll talk Aleks into giving you a raise."

Fedyor sighed. "Thank you. That would help."

"Come on. I can't be late."

Alina went into the building and she made her way to the elevator. Zoya had given her directions on where to go, and it was Zoya that had arranged the whole meeting in the first place. She was surprised that she still had a connection with Nikolai, since Zoya had left him to work for Aleksander.

When Alina reached the top floor, Nikolai's receptionist, a pretty, brunette girl named Marie smiled up at her. "Hello, are you Alina?"

Alina smiled. "Hi. Yeah, that's me. I'm Alina Starkov. I'm supposed to be having a meeting with Nikolai about the internship?"

"Right. Of course. Well, Nikolai's in a meeting right now, but he'll be back in about five minutes. Why don't you go on inside and wait? Do you want anything to drink?"

Alina shook her head. "I'm okay, thanks."

"Wonderful. I'll let Nikolai know that you're here."


Alina walked into the office, and she took a seat. The chairs were made of fine leather, there was a drink cart off to the side. The door opened, and Nikolai Lantsov entered. He was tall, with blond hair, and hazel eyes.

"Miss Starkov," he said, "what a pleasant surprise. Are you here turn over the secrets of the Death Star?"

Alina laughed. "No, I'm afraid I don't know any secrets. Aleksander and I don't exactly discuss work when we're alone together. We've got other things on our mind."

"Shame," said Nikolai, "and here I was hoping for a way to make The Fold irrelevant. Oh well. Professor Botkin spoke highly of you when I asked him for a reference. What little I could manage to get. He was very cagey."

"Yes, well," she said, "it's no secret who my soulmate is. A bit impossible for the world not to know, considering what he does."

Nikolai nodded. "Yes, I suppose so." He went to the drink cart, and grabbed himself some scotch. "Do you want anything?"

"I'm not a day drinker, Mr. Lantsov."

"Hmm. Interesting. I do recall Morozova being able to handle his liquor. Tell me, what brings you to The Resistance?"

Alina rolled her eyes. "Some people might call you Snope, considering your family connections."

Nikolai smirked. "You're well informed."

"I'm the soulmate of a man who plays with shadows for a living. I know things."

"Of course," he said, taking a drink, "and with that in mind what brings you to the opposing side, Miss Starkov?"

Alina took a deep breath. "I can't do it anymore."

"What? Him?" he said. "I could help, in that department. Aleksander's always been rather open minded in some respects."

Alina laughed. "No. We don't need any help with that. No, I mean the work. There have been too many things and I...I love him, but I need to keep some parts of my soul for myself, you know? Which is why I'd like to come to work here."

Nikolai grinned at her, looking like the fox that had caught his prey. "Such sweet things you say, Miss Starkov. You know, I do think something could be arranged. Tell you what. Why don't you go home, and I'll be in touch with you on Monday?"

Alina frowned. "You don't have anything sooner?"

"Monday," he said firmly.

"Well, let me know if anything becomes available sooner."

"Of course."

Alina left the office, and Fedyor was there waiting for her.

"Well?" said Fedyor.

"The fox is sniffing the trap." Alina smirked, and the two of them left the office building together.       

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