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It had been a whole week since Alina had seen Aleksander. When he had gotten home to Os Alta, he had gone into lawyer mode. He had found safe houses for Nina and Hanne, and he had spent every day at the office. Alina was supposed to be interning there but he knew that the case would have a lot of media attention and he didn't want Alina swept up in that. He had already arranged for her to have all of her schooling done at home because of everything that happened with Alexie, and he had asked her to keep that schedule, so she didn't get caught up in the mess.

Alina slept in Aleksander's bed now, and she had gotten so used to waking up with him there with her. But since Matthias's murder investigation had started, she went to bed without him and woke up without him. Her days were lonely, and she spent most of them with only Fedyor to watch her for her security.

She hadn't even seen Nina since, and she had no idea how the girl was holding up. Aleksander hadn't had time to talk with her about the case even though Alina had a million questions like how Nina was still alive after Matthias had been murdered. And why she suddenly had another person's name inked onto her skin.

It was on a Sunday night when Aleksander finally came home. She heard him come into the room, and he rasped, tiredly, "Alina?"

Alina sat up in bed. "Aleks."

He took off his tie, his shirt, and then his slacks and shoes. He ran a hand through his dark hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. But I...Zoya told me to go home today, because I nearly fainted since I haven't seen you for so long. I suspected you'd been feeling just as tired as me."

Alina smiled softly at him. "I have been feeling a little weak lately, yes."

Aleksander stood at the edge of the bed. "I need you, malyshka. I need to feel you. I need..."

"Aleks," she said, sitting up in bed, "I want you to fuck me. I don't want to go another day not having had you inside me. I've been...I...I keep on having the same nightmare over and over. I walk into that house, and it's not Matthias that's dead. It's you."

"Alina, I don't want you to fuck me because you're scared."

She shook her head. "This isn't going to be because I'm scared, Aleks. This is because I want you. I was thinking about doing this even before everything happened. Back in the office that one day...all I could think about was how you could fuck me on there. And while I'm alone...well...I didn't want to distract you from work but...."

Aleksander's lips twitched into a smile. "I've felt your desire, Alina. Did you feel mine too?"

Alina nodded. "Always."

"Good," he said, "and I...I need to feel you."

"I'm on the pill," Alina told him, "I had Zoya set up an appointment for me when I thought that it was going to happen the first time."

"Good," said Aleksander, "then I can take you. The way that you're supposed to be taken."

"Oh?" said Alina.

Aleksander nodded; his gaze hooded as he looked at her. "Rough, and hard. And you're going to cry out my name while you are around my cock, Alina."

Alina blushed. "Do you want me to lay down?"

"Oh yes," said Aleksander, "I want you to lay down, and I want you to spread your legs for me."

She smiled. "Do you want me to undress?"

She was wearing a silk nightgown, one of the ones that Aleksander had gotten her that was in the closet.

"Yes," he said, "but leave your panties on. I'll take those off myself."

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