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"Did anyone see you?" Aleksander said as he pulled her inside, slamming the door shut behind him.

Alina shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Good." He pulled her to him, and he kissed her deeply. "I don't like this plan. I don't like anything that puts you in a room with someone that is almost as hot as me."

Alina tilted her head to the side. "Almost? You've given a lot of thought about how hot Nikolai is?"

"Well," he said, "you have to know who your competition is. And how to destroy them."

She chuckled. "Okay then." He kissed her again, and Alina blushed. "Are you sure that we should be kissing right now? We're supposed to be luring the enchantress out here or whatever. We should be fighting. Or fucking hard enough that it sounds like fighting."

Aleksander chuckled. "If those are our choices, I vote for fucking malyshka." His voice was low and raspy as he spoke, filled with want and need. "Do you know that I dreamed about fucking you right here on this desk when I was locked up?"

Alina wrapped her arms around his neck, and she threaded her fingers through his hair. "I do remember you mentioning something about that, yes." She nipped at him, and then he pulled away, directing her to his desk.

"You didn't listen to me," he said, "you were supposed to stay with Nina and Hanne, and wait for me to come so that The Starless Saint and me could lure the enchantress out. I had a plan."

Alina shook her head. "I didn't like your plan. I didn't like lying about why I went to Nikolai. I didn't like lying about how you were with me. The rest of Ravka already thinks that you're a monster when that isn't true. I couldn't stomach having people think that I thought that too, especially when I know who you are, Aleks."

"Shadows and all?" he said, scratching his beard and looking uncomfortable.

Alina perched up on his desk. "Shadows and all, Aleksander. After all, without shadows, we would not have stars."

He grinned at her, and cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her deeply again. "Oh, my Alinochka. I think I am going to have to fuck you hard, so that you don't forget to listen to me next time. Fuck that impertinent brat right out of you, what do you say?"

"Yes, please," Alina whined, "please, Daddy."

He chuckled deeply, then he spread her legs, and he pulled down her skirt. "I dreamed about your pussy, Alina. I thought about how lovely it feels on my fingers when you cum. I dreamed about your taste. The sweetest taste in the world."

Alina kicked off her shoes and then she started to unbutton Aleksander's shirt, and she kissed his neck, and then his chest. "I didn't like telling people that you were a monster. Especially when you do such lovely things for me."

Aleksander grinned, and he took her left nipple in his mouth and started to suck on it. Then, with his other hand, he began to massage her other breast, and played with her other nipple. Alina's whole body clenched underneath him, and she wined as he played with her. Then, he moved his other hand down to her cunt. He cupped her pussy with his hand. "My favorite place," he said, "two days----two days is too long to go without seeing you."

Alina kissed his neck and then she bit down on his shoulder. Aleksander let out a groan. "Fucking Saints, Alina. You naughty little girl."

Alina laughed, and she traced the bite marks that she had left on his skin. "Make me cum, Aleks. Please."

Aleksander grinned down at her, and then he was in between her legs, with her thighs on either side of his shoulders. Then, his tongue was in between her folds, licking her pussy. Alina gripped the desk tightly, trying to steady herself to no avail. He was doing all sorts of wicked things with that tongue of his, and Alina could feel herself getting wet. Her whole body clenched, and a mewling sound came out of her. "Aleksander.....Aleksanderrrr....."

She was whining now, embarrassingly so. Aleksander pulled his head out between her thighs. "Oh, I can hear how desperate you are for me, Alina," he growled, "I think that you're ready for my cock now." Aleksander pulled his pants off, and then he gripped her tightly, and shoved his cock into her. Alina cried out, and Aleksander rocked into her, harder, and harder.

"I'm going to fill you up my sweet thing," said Aleksander, "I'm going to fill you all the way up with my cum. Take me, my darling girl." Alina gripped his shoulders tightly. She clenched around him, and then Aleksander was spilling into her, and they came together. Alina collapsed on the desk, and Aleksander collapsed on her chest.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, and then he was kissing her in between her breasts making Alina shiver. "I love you, Alina."

"I love you too, Aleksander," she said, threading her fingers through his hair. They were silent for a moment, with nothing but their breathing.

"Do you think she'll come?" Alina asked. "Do you think she'll try and kill us?"

"I don't know," Aleksander whispered, "but if she does, I think we can take her."

"I think so too." 

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