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Alina wasn't sure what time it was when she finally heard Aleksander come home. She had spent the day locked in her room, pacing or staring at the ceiling. Her stomach growled the whole time. She knew she could have easily gone out and grabbed something, but then Aleksander would be full also. She wanted him to starve, and for him to be as miserable as he possibly could be. So, she had only gone out to go to the bathroom and that was the only thing she had done. Fedyor would come and check on her every once and a while, asking if she needed anything, and Alina would reply no.

Alina wasn't going to grace him with her presence at all. But she was unsurprised when there was a knock on her door. "Miss Starkov?" he said. She didn't answer, and then she heard the sound of a key turning. He leaned against the door jam with a pink box wrapped with a white bow in his hand. On top of that, she noticed her cell phone was there. She squinted. Well, it was a cell phone. "I've got a truce."

"A truce?" Alina asked, sitting up on the bed with her knees pulled to her chest. "What makes you think there's anything that you could offer me that would make me want to have a truce?"

He smiled. "Because I'm your best friend's cousin. That's why. I have complete and total access to everything that I might need to know about you, Sunshine. Including an absolutely darling story about little Alina Starkov breaking into the office of the orphanage she was at to steal some chocolate, covered zefir cookies."

Alina scowled. "Mal told you about that?"

He nodded. "He wants what's best for you, Sunshine. I do too. Now, I might not be what's best for you but you starving yourself is most certainly not in the best interest of anyone. I'll make a deal with you. Eat these cookies for me, and I'll give you a cell phone."

Alina tilted her head. "That's not my cell phone, is it?"

Aleksander shook his head. "No. I got you an entirely new one, with all of the important contacts that you need."

She rolled her eyes. "Meaning you?"

He grinned. "Meaning me. You'll even be able to stream things if you want, and I did program Mal's number in there as well and he has your new one. But like I said. You can only have this if you eat the cookies."

"Chocolate covered zefirs, right?" Alina said, glaring at him.

Aleksander nodded. "Well, Mal did mention those were your favorite kind."

"I hate you."

"You love me," he replied with a wink, "look, I'll leave the phone and the cookies here on the edge of your bed. If you eat them, you can take the phone. If they're still there in the morning, I'll just assume that you won. After all, you're the Sun. Lights supposed to be stronger than darkness, right?"

"I really, really, really fucking hate you."

He walked forward and he placed the box and the cell phone on the edge of the bed. "Don't you remember that I can feel everything that you do, Alina? I feel plenty of things when you look towards me but none of them are hate."

She stood up from the bed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Then, you must not understand the emotion. Because it's nothing but hate that is going through me at this very moment. I will never take anything from you, Aleksander Morozova."

He smirked at her. "Nothing at all?"

"Nothing," she replied.

"But you keep on forgetting, Alina. I can feel what you feel. But you can feel what I feel to. I know I don't feel hate towards you. I know, for instance, along with the pounding of your heart racing like a frightened, little rabbit, my cock is pulsating with desire for you, Sunshine. And I know that right between your thighs right now, as you look at me, even though you are remembering the horrifying things you saw me do, you still are wet between your thighs right now. Because I desire you, and you desire me. There are no secrets now, my dear. You had better get used to it."

Alina bit down on her lip. "I haven't felt anything like that at all."

It was a complete and utter lie. They both knew it. Aleksander smirked. "You know what happens to soulmates that stay away from each other too long?"

"What?" Alina squeaked out.

"Their Heat," Aleksander said, "and it will get worse, and worse, until you are begging for me to fuck you, Alina. Or----until I am mad with lust, and I claim you as my own because of it. Now, I would hate to do something that would frighten you, Alina. But the longer you put this off the more likely I am to lose control. Unless, of course, that's what you want, Sunshine. You do seem a little reserved. I expect you are a very, very good girl. You've probably never even had sex before, huh? I bet you wanted to keep yourself nice and innocent for your soulmate. Do you want me to lose control, and take you for my own? Do you like it rough, Alinochka?"

Without meaning to, Alina licked her lips. "Get out!" she shouted at him.

Aleksander chuckled, and then before she could stop him, he kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Alinochka." He left, and she was alone in the room with a cell phone and a box full of her favorite cookies. And worse, he had tried seducing her on top of everything.

Alina went back to the bed, and she tried to think of anything else but Aleksander Morozova asking her, "Do you like it rough, Alinochka?" Her stomach let out a loud rumble, and Alina knew she wasn't going to help herself. She reached into the box, and grabbed a zefir. She munched happily, moaning as she did.

Then she called Mal, who answered instantly.

"Did you get the cookies?" Mal asked, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"I hate you both. So, so much." She shoved another zefir in her mouth, munching angrily. "I will get you both back, Malyen Oretsev. Do you hear me? I will get you both back."

Mal chuckled. "That doesn't sound too Saintly now, Lina. Careful. You might be fitting in sooner than you thought." 

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