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After they finished breakfast, Aleksander said, "Come with me. I want to show you something."

"Is it what I'll be doing at my internship?" Alina asked.

Aleksander chuckled. "No working today."

Alina sighed. "You're impossible."

"Balance, Sunshine. It's all about balance. We've got the weekend, and then Monday, I'll take you to the office, I promise."

"I've got classes," she reminded him.

Aleksander nodded. "I know. You'll go after classes; Matthias will be the one picking you up, of course."

"Of course." The two of them had gotten up and now they were headed back in the direction of Aleksander's room. When they got there, he walked over to the closet, and opened it. "Half of this is yours. Genya picked out the clothes for you."

Alina's eyes widened. "You got me a wardrobe?"

"Yes," he said, "I didn't plan for you to be Blessed the way that you were, but I wanted you to be prepared in case it happened unexpectedly. Honestly, I had hoped for things to come at a better moment and then..."

"Then it happened in the alleyway," Alina said.

Aleksander sighed. "Yes. That wasn't how I wanted it to be, but the Saints have a strange, sense of humor, I guess."

"Clearly." Alina smiled. "Can I take a look at the clothes?"

"Of course," Aleksander told her. He opened the door and let Alina inside. Alina let out a gasp. There were blouses, skirts, dresses. On one side of the closet there was a dresser, which had pants, underwear, and bras. There were shoes. Most of them high heels, and then there was the jewelry. Necklaces. Earrings. Bracelets. Anything that she might desire was in that closet. "If there's anything you don't have, or nothing is to your taste, you can always go shopping. I've already got credit cards and bank accounts in your name."

Alina turned to look at him with wide eyes. "You didn't have to do that."

He reached out to take her hand. "I understand, if you want to take the rest of things slow, but I still want to take care of you. That means what's mine is yours, and I have plenty to share. Mal told me that you hadn't had very much growing up and I intend to rectify that, Alina. So yes, I did have to do that, because that's part of taking care of your soulmate."

She smiled. "Well, if you insist then."

"I do," he said, "why don't you get showered and dressed, and then we can go and spend the day together? I've got some things that I would like to show you."

Alina raised an eyebrow. "Things doesn't include bodies, does it?"

He laughed. "No. You won't see that part of my work, ever again, if I have any say about it. No, but I do have some other assets and things that I thought that you might enjoy. And then I thought we could have dinner together."

She smiled. "I would like the sound of that."

"Good," he said, "I have to take care of some things----"

"That sounds like work to me."

He smiled at her. "I never stop working. I don't have the luxury for that. That doesn't mean that you have to work all of the time. I intend on making sure that you have as much pleasure as possible."

Alina rolled her eyes. "What a brute."

"Oh yes, I'm a menace." He kissed her on the forehead, and then he left to go and do something. Alina stared at the closet, overwhelmed. Half of it was Aleksander's, of course. He had shirts, pants, dress shoes. He was not a man who was ever going to be caught dead wearing something casual. But she had decided to make it her goal to get him into jeans and a t-shirt for her own curiosity.

Alina picked out some clothes, and then she went to Aleksander's shower. After last night, with him playing with her pussy, making her feel all sorts of lovely things she had never felt before she wondered if she shouldn't have invited him into the shower with her.

But Alina wasn't that brave, or that bold enough yet. They had talked, and she understood her importance in being a soulmate a bit more. But she still didn't quite trust him. What assets would he be showing her today, she wondered? And how could she convince him to let her have a little bit more freedom? She didn't know that she liked that she had to have a guard everywhere. Alina was used to going where she wanted, without having to answer to anyone. That was part of being an orphan. There was no one that she had to answer to.

Once Alina had her outfit put out, she went to the shower, and she washed herself. As she did, she was overly aware of her breasts and how sensitive they were. Then, she could feel a tingling sensation between her thighs as she washed herself. She wondered if she could make Aleksander as hot and bothered as he had made her the other night has he had played with her pussy.

Alina started to wash herself in between her legs, and she did it slowly, languidly. The tingling in between her legs became more intense. As she washed herself there, she also played with her nipples. She grinned mischievously as she played with them, water spraying down her, making her even more aware of them. She waited, and waited, and then after a moment she heard the sound of the door opening.

She wiped the steam away from the shower door, and then she saw Aleksander there, staring at her with a hooded look in his gaze. "Are you playing with yourself, malyshka? Are you trying to make me crazy on purpose?" His nostrils were flared, and he was taking her naked, wet body all in.

"Maybe," she said with a mischievous smile.

"Then, I think you'd better suffer the consequences." 

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