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The ride home was spent, again, in darkness. When they arrived, Alina was surprised when Aleksander said, "You're coming to my room, and you're going to be sleeping there in my bed from now on."

Alina blushed. "You can't mean----"

"You said you'd play ball, Alina. Part of that involves making sure that we're both not mad with lust for each other because we're depriving the other of basic, human needs." He grinned. "I expect you to play with all of the balls."

Alina blushed fiercely. "Seriously, you had to go there?"

"Yes. I did." They were in his room now, and he took off his tie. "Now, I said that I wouldn't force you, and I meant it. But you also said that you would play ball, Alinochka. And you promised me that if I let you go to your little meeting, you would let me, and I quote, 'stick your fingers, your tongue...maybe even a toy or two' in your pussy. So, you'll be letting me do that this evening, no complaints. Although you can make all of the lovely, little sounds that you want to. In fact, I encourage it."

She glanced at the bed. "I've"

"Never what, Alinochka?" he asked, and his voice seemed raspier somehow. Alina could see the bulge in his pants, where his cock was ready for her.

"I've never had sex. Never even...I mean, wandering hands, and all that..."

He chuckled. "You were a very, very, good girl, weren't you?"

Her eyes were downcast as she whispered, "I've never done anything like that before."

Aleksander walked over to where she stood and lifted her chin with his finger so that she was looking at him. "It's alright, Sunshine. I'll show you everything you need to know. But you know, my dear, you haven't been too good today. You've been very, very naughty. So I think you deserve to be punished."

Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Aleksander walked to the edge of his bed, and he gestured to his lap. "Come here. Get across my lap."

"Your lap?"

He nodded.

"Morozova, I'm not a child. This is ridiculous."

"Except, you acted like a child today, Alina. You ran away. You caused people that care about you to worry. So, since you acted like a child, you are going to get punished like a child. So come here and get across my lap."

Aleksander could see the defiance dancing in her eyes. He knew she desperately wanted to say no, but to his pleasant surprise, Alina walked over and draped herself sideways over his lap. He chuckled. "Good girl."

Alina felt Aleksander's hands on her bottom then. He lifted her skirt up slowly, his hands caressing her as he did in a way that made her squirm.

"Anxious, are we?" he said. "I know I've wanted to fuck you since I first saw you."

Alina turned her head to look up at him. "Since you first saw me?"

"Since I first saw you," he replied, and then he was pulling down her panties, "we're going to have to get you some better lingerie, Alina. Genya seemed to think you'd be more comfortable in sensible things, however. But you need more than beige and white. We'll get you something black."

"Stop talking," Alina muttered, "and please get this ridiculous thing over with."

He chuckled. "Anxious?"


He chuckled even harder. "I think six will be good, for now. Yes, six spankings on your little bottom and I want you to count them out for me."

"I hate you."

"Keep lying to yourself, Sunshine. I don't think that the Saints would like that very much. Don't forget to count." He gave her the first spank, and Alina winced, hissing in pain.

"O-one," she managed out."

"Your bottom is going to look so pretty with my hands marking it." He smacked her bottom for a second, and then a third time.

"Two, three----" he smacked her bottom again.

Alina hissed once more. "Four."

"I'm going to enjoy marking you, Starkov," Aleksander said, spanking her for the fifth time.

"Five," Alina grunted.

Then the last one came down. "Six."

He rubbed her bottom then.

Alina shivered under his touch.

"I expect you'll hurt for a few days," he said, "but after that nonsense you pulled, your little bottom deserves it. But it's okay. I gave you your punishment, and now I'm going to take my pleasure. Get up, Alina."

Alina got up, and her skirt fell. Her underwear was still pulled down to her ankles, and Aleksander helped her step out of them.

"I'm keeping these," he said, bringing them to his nose and inhaling deeply. He walked over to his nightstand and placed them in his drawer. "Now, you are going to get on the bed for me, Alinochka and then you are going to spread your legs, and you are going to let me have some fun with your pretty, little pussy."

Alina blushed. "Do you have to?"

"Yes, Alina," he said, "I have to, because you promised me."

Alina crawled onto the bed, and she laid on her back. Aleksander crawled on top of her, and he pulled her skirt off. Aleksander reached down and he cupped her pussy.

"You know," he said, "I think I'm going to have to shave this later. Make it nice and pretty."

"Get on with it then," Alina said, glaring at him.

Aleksander smirked. "Oh, don't you worry, Sunshine. I will get on with it. I promise you." He put a finger in between her folds, and then he began to rub her folds. "This is just the beginning. And soon, you'll be begging me for my cock, sweet thing." 

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