a letter from your author

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Dear readers,

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I saw two comments on the final epilogue that really stuck out to me. One said that they had been reading this story from day one (which is amazing), and one said that when they found this story all the chapters were up except for the final installment (which is just as amazing). Every single day, I cannot believe how many lives this story has touched. When I started writing it, six and a half years ago, I never could have imagined how many people would read it, nor could I have guessed that people would re-read it again and again.

This story is very special to me for a lot of reasons. If you have been reading since the beginning, then you know that for about a year and a half in the middle of the story's life, I stopped writing it. This was more than a bad case of writer's block; I had given up on the story. Truly, I had no plans to continue the story. This was partially due to the fact that I had saved a lot of chapters including the chapter where George found out about time travel, the first wedding, the scene where Paul gets shot instead of John, Barney's death, the final battle, and a scene for one of the epilogues and they all got lost. Then, in college, some of my new friends found out about the story and they were the first people in my life apart from my sister who reacted positively to my fanfiction. I had a new spark, and I was inspired to finish the story.

A lot of things were planned very far ahead of time, and when I came back to the story I made a vow not to turn back on any of them. I nearly turned back several times. Paul getting shot was so sad, but I also got to write him healing so that was okay. When I had to re-write Barney's death, I was a mess. Someone commented on the last epilogue saying that they thought I had a special meaning behind Barney, and unfortunately that's not really true. Barney is simply my favorite character in Break Me One More Time, more so than this version of The Beatles that I wrote, and to watch him die at my own hand was a travesty. I'm sorry to have done it to you all; just know it hurt me just as much.

This book has a special place in my heart. I have spent countless hours, both alone and with my sister, planning out the details of this plot. My sister and I have so many inside jokes about Break Me One More Time and it touches my heart when you all make inside jokes about it in the comments.

I have been asked a few different times what it is that I plan to write next, and that is where the hard truth comes in. Somewhere along the way, I stopped writing real-person fiction. I don't judge those who do, it's just not really my thing anymore. With that being said, I am retiring the name maccaholic. The stories will still be up here, of course, but I will not be posting any further stories on this profile. If you would like to continue reading my work, you can on Archive of Our Own as goodbye_yellowbrickroad. If you've enjoyed my work so far and you're a fan of Harry Potter, I have two stories ("body" and "funeral") that I think you would particularly enjoy if you have enjoyed this book. You can also message me at goodbye-yyellowbrickroad on Tumblr!

And so, it is with a heavy heart that I bid thee farewell. Thank you once again for going on this journey with me. I wish you all the very best.

With peace and love,


Break Me One More Time [McLennon]Where stories live. Discover now