in which they're headed for the top

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"That was gear!" John shouted after the show was over.

"Or, as Paul would say, awesome!" George said in a mocking tone and John burst in a hysterical fit of laughter. George laughed along and Pete just stood there looking extremely puzzled. Meanwhile Paul rolled his eyes, crossed his arms, and looked at John and George with a pointed glare.

"Oh my god!" John said. "I'd forgotten about that! Thanks, Georgie!"

"Yeah, thanks, Georgie," Paul gritted out sarcastically.

"Uhm, what did I miss?" Pete raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, you'll love this," John grinned and told the story of the time that Paul said the show was "awesome" and how he and George would never ever in a million years let it go. Pete burst into laughter along with John and George.

"Seriously," Paul shook his head at the three of them. "You are all actually five."

"Nuh-uh!" John stuck his tongue out and George and Pete laughed at him. Even Paul couldn't suppress the small chuckle that escaped him.

"Boys!" The owner of the club - What was his name? What was his name? Paul couldn't remember his name. - hurried over to them with another man by his side - Paul's face broke into a wide grin. "Boys, this is Brian Epstein. Mr. Epstein, this is John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Pete Best."

"Hello, boys," Brian grinned and shook each of their hands. "I saw you play today and I have to say, the show was just fantastic! I loved it!"

"Thank you," John nodded.

"It means a lot," Paul said, unable to keep the grin off of his face, and George just gave a small smile - Ah, yes, Paul remembered. George had always been very outgoing and unique and loud around those he was comfortable with, but around new people he was quiet, shy, and quite the introvert.

"Mr. Lennon, can I speak with you alone for a minute?" Brian asked John.

"Oh," John said. "Yeah." He turned to Paul, George, and Pete. "See you in a bit?"

"I've got to get home," Pete said.

"Well, Paul and I will be right ousted the club," George said and Paul nodded.

"See you soon, then," John said and followed Brian off to a corner where they could talk alone.

Paul and George went outside and waited patiently, chatting for a while. Eventually, though, George sighed. "What is taking so long in there? What could that guy possibly want to talk to John about that would take so long? It's been, what? Half an hour? Forty five minutes?"

"At least," Paul shrugged. But he knew what Brian was saying to John. He knew what was to come, even if he couldn't say anything to George about it... He knew. And he was so excited.

"You'll never guess what just happened," John said when he came out of the club. "Brian Epstein is interesting in managing us - meaning getting us better gigs, and record deals, and much more!"

"Well, that's great," Paul grinned.

"You're kidding!" George exclaimed.

"Here's the catch," John said and Paul and George looked at him, eyebrows raised.
Catch? Paul thought. "He wants us to get rid of Pete and replace him."

Oh, yeah, Paul thought, Pete should have left a couple months ago. He should have said that "the Beatles were going nowhere". Huh. Forgot about that.

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