in which paul is questioned

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Paul followed at Barney's heels through the F.H.O. Headquarters. When they came to a set of tall, oak double doors, Barney turned to look at Paul. He spoke in a hushed and urgent sounding voice. "Answer all questions truthfully, no matter what. And I mean no matter what they ask, you answer them. Do not question them, speak only when spoken to. Just be...respectable, okay?"

"Barney, is something wrong?" Paul whispered. "Is that why I'm here today?"

"No, everything is fine," Barney said but he didn't sound very convincing. "Come on." He pushed the doors open and he and Paul walked into the room ahead.

It was a court room with raised seating. One chair sat in the middle of the room. One chair that everyone else in the room had a perfect view of. It reminded Paul of the court room in the Ministry of Magic in the fifth Harry Potter movie.

Everyone sitting in those seats made up a sea of black robes.

"Please, take a seat," there was a man sitting in the throne like chair at the head of the room and he spoke to Paul. He had dark hair and a double chin. His beady black eyes were hidden behind half moon spectacles that sat on his potato shaped nose. Paul assumed he was the judge. "Quickly." The man snapped and Barney nudged Paul.

Paul scurried over to the chair and sat down looking up at the man who had spoken to him.

"I am Judge Matthews," said the man. "This is President Wilson." The man gestured to his left where another man with a point face and thin, gray hair sat. "He is the president of the F.H.O. Are you prepared to proceed with this meeting?"

Paul nodded.


"Yes, your honor," Paul said quickly.

"Very good," Judge Matthews said, looking down at a piece of paper in front of him. "Please state your full name for the members of the court."

"James Paul McCartney," Paul spoke slowly and clearly, over pronouncing every syllable.

"What is your date of birth?" Judge Matthews asked.

"June eighteenth, 1942." Paul said.

"Where were you born?"

"Liverpool, England."

"Could you please state the name of your advisor for the members of the court?" Judge Matthews said.

"Uhm," Paul said.

Judge Matthews peered over his spectacles. "Well?"

"Uh, I - " out of the corner of his eye, Paul saw Barney waving his hand discreetly. "Barney! His name is Barney."

"Yes, but I need you to state his first and last name," Judge Matthews sighed.

"Erm," Paul was desperately wracking his brains. Had Barney ever told him what his last name was? Maybe he had and Paul had just forgotten.. Paul caught a glance of Barney out of the corner of his eye again and judging by the look on the blonde man's face, Barney had not told Paul what his last name was. Paul wasn't sure what to do, so he settled on the truth. "I'm terribly sorry, your honor. I don't know his last name."

Judge Matthews shot Barney a venomous look and he cringed. "No, Mr. McCartney, it is I who must apologize for the outrageous incompetence of the advisor who has been assigned to your case."

Paul frowned. Why was it such a big deal that Barney hadn't mentioned what's his last name was, anyway? He noticed that President Wilson was looking at Barney.

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