in which paul is uncertain

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     John slept out in the living room that night and the next morning when Paul came out into the kitchen for breakfast, they didn't talk about their conversation from the night before. They proceeded as normal, pretending it never happened.

     Barney came by that night after John had gone to sleep and he wasn't at all happy. "The two of you are ridiculous! You need to talk through your problems, you need to talk and actually say things! Oh my god, you're terrible! Both of you!"

     "Why do we need to talk about it?" Paul crossed his arms. "There's no reason to talk about that and just stir things up between us."

     "Because you need to resolve your problems," Barney huffed. "I swear, the two of you are the reason the Beatles broke up!"

     Paul glared at him. "Shut your mouth,"

     "You need to resolve the problems between you if you want to save John!" Barney shouted. "There is something huge that needs to happen between you and John if you want to save him and in order for that thing to happen you need to resolve any issues between you."

     "Well why is it an issue if he cares about my health all of a sudden?" Paul huffed. "Friends care about each other! I care about John and he cares about me because we're friends, okay? I don't really see the problem here!"

      "Yes, you do," Barney said. "I know you do because you're on edge and you're avoiding talking about it. John was never this open and now he is and that worries you."

      "Yeah, well, I think I've figured it out...partially," Paul said. "This has all got something to do with whatever the hell John realized in Hamburg that you keep going on about. You know, it would be so much easier for me to help you if you'd just tell me what he realized in Hamburg!"

     "I can't, it's just too big," Barney shook his head. "This is something that you have to figure out on your own because when John tells you or when John finds out you know, it had to all be natural or the plan won't work."

     "Yeah, about that," Paul said. "What is the plan anyway?"

      "I'll tell you when you're older," Barney laughed. "And when you're a Beatle."

      "I'm seventy three!" Paul huffed. "And I'm already a Beatle!"

      Barney patted the top of his head then ruffled his hair like one would do to a child. "No, you're nineteen, Paulie. And you're not a Beatle yet."

      Paul narrowed his eyes at Barney.

      "Aw, look how cute you are when you get angry!" Barney gushed mockingly.

      Paul felt his anger ebbing away until it was a dull irritation. He rolled his eyes and sighed once more, then he got over it and moved on. "So what do I do next?"

     "Well, it's looking like the next ideal opportunity for you to find out about John's realization from Hamburg is October of this year," Barney said. "We're going to try and give him a little push but we want to be as natural as possible."

      "Wait, October?" Paul said and Barney nodded. "Oh my god. I think I know when you mean... Paris!"

     "Exactly," Barney smiled and patted Paul's shoulder. "Good job. I'd better run - trouble in the office."

      "Wait, you have, like, an actual office that you go to for work?" Paul said, confused.

     "Yeah," Barney said. "What, do you think that I just run around chasing after you all the time? I've got other very important things to do?"

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