in which shadows rise

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Paul stood there for a long time after Barney had disappeared into thin air, blushing madly, his cheeks red as could be.

It wasn't like Paul was a prude. He'd had sex in his life, of course. And when I say had sex, I mean he's had plenty of sex - I mean, come on, he's Paul McCartney! So no, he wasn't a prude by any means.

But the thought of having sex with someone (Linda, Heather, Nancy, Jane, Dot - anyone), and the thought of having sex with John were two very different things.

Paul loved John. He was totally and completely head over heels in love with John Lennon which was something he'd never seen coming in his life, but all the same, he'd come to terms with the fact of the matter. But he hadn't considered how it would work when they actually decided that they were at a sexual point in their relationship.

Now, if Paul was a girl then he was sure that he and John would have already had sex at this point. But John, who Paul was sure was still coming to terms with the fact that he was in a gay relationship, wasn't ready for that... And Paul sure as hell wasn't either!

How would it work? He kept wondering.

It was John, and he couldn't help thinking that going into something like that with John would feel...odd. But then again, it had all felt so natural so far. To kiss him, and sleep wrapped in his arms, and to just live a relationship kind of lifestyle with him. But to have sex with him?

A million questions were running through his head - questions that only made him blush more. When is John going to be read to move into something like that in our relationship? Paul thought. And for that matter, when will I be ready to move into something like that? How will it happen? Where is it going to happen? Who's going to be on top?

Paul pushed the thoughts from his mind because he couldn't bare to think about it any longer.

He went to his and John's room and crawled into bed beside John, but as much as he tried to force himself to sleep, all he could think about was what Barney had implied and all the questions that were still spreading through his mind like wildfire.


The next day, Brian woke all four members of the band up bright and early. "Tony is going to be here in forty five minutes to pick you up!" He said and John, George, and Ringo all groaned while Paul sighed. "You're going on a boat tour, Tony said something about seeing dolphins and whales - it'll be nice, and you should enjoy the scenery while you can because rehearsals for your performance start bright and early the day after tomorrow!"

So the four of them got dressed and ready and made some breakfast. The house they were renting - or, rather, that was being rented for them - was actually quite nice. It had a private pool outside that they had yet to explore, and Tony had stocked the fridge and cupboards for them. The bathroom was stocked with towels so they didn't have to worry about that. It was really nice.

When "Tony" came to pick them up, they all piled into his car and set off for Horta. Horta was the city in Faial and it was pretty much the only place on Faial where you could go shopping.

Tony parked the car outside a tiny restaurant called Pete's Cafè and they all headed down to the dock where they'd be getting on the boat. Tony signed them in at the Dolphin and Whale Tours station.

Within the hour they were getting their obnoxiously orange life jackets on and boarding the boat. George looked as if he were going to be sick right then and there.

The boat was no more than twenty feet long and look more like a raft with a hard bottom than a boat. It seated ten people plus the driver at the back. The seats for the passengers were stood in five rows of two, facing the front of the boat.

Break Me One More Time [McLennon]Where stories live. Discover now