in which it's okay that stuart knows

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"The Shadows? And the F.H.O.?" Stuart said, looking very frightened now. He was wondering if it had been a very bad idea to have mentioned those things to Paul. "Oh, God. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about?"

"I know exactly what you're talking about," Paul hissed. "But how do you know what you're talking about."

"Well, back in April after I almost died, this woman came to me while I was alone." Stuart said. "She explained all about this alternate reality where I died and I how I was supposed to die and how they saved me. She told me all about the F.H.O. and how they were determined to make history a lie just to fit their "precious prophecies".. She asked me to join them and be put under their protection... She said that my only job would be to kill John Lennon."

"I knew it!" Paul's eyes grew wide and he backed away from Stuart.

"Paul, calm down!" Stuart said. "I told them that I wouldn't do it."

Paul furrowed his brows. "Wait, then how're you still alive? I thought if you said no they would've killed you by now."

"Yeah, me, too," Stuart stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to warn John but, I mean, who would believe me? Aside from you, of course. But I haven't even told Astrid.. Although, speaking of you, how do you know about all of this? And how'd you know they'd ask me to kill John?"

"I'm kind of working for the F.H.O.," Paul shrugged.

Stuart raised his eyebrows. "Are you really?" He looked as if he didn't know just how to react to that new piece of information.

"Yeah," Paul nodded, shifting uncomfortably.

"You're working for the people who are trying to change history just so that it fits their so-called prophecies?" Stuart crossed his arms. "Are you being serious right now, Paul?"

"Are you defending the Shadows?" Paul asked.

"No, I'm not defending the Shadows or the F.H.O.," Stuart said. "I think they're both full of shit."

Paul huffed. He didn't know what it was about that specific sentence, but he was sure that this had been a long time coming. He'd just had enough of all of these conflicting emotions buried deep inside of him, making him wonder whether or not he was doing the right thing,

He finally burst.

"Well, you know what, Stuart?" Paul growled. "I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things that you will probably never understand. The first time u lived my life - yeah, that's right, I lived seventy three years of a very different life before I was dragged back here to change history - John died. He was shot. I also fell madly in love with this woman the first time I lived my life and you know what happened to her when I got here? She was killed because she was seen as a threat by the F.H.O. Now in the year and a half since I've been here, I have stopped John from dying, nearly been killed myself and nearly seen George die, and found out that John Lennon was madly in love with me and that I am hopelessly in love with him."

Stuart was taken aback. "What? John died? You're in love with John?"

"Yes," Paul said. "And yes.."

"Wow," Stuart crossed his arms again. "Actually, I can see it. You two always were weirdly close. I kind of always thought you were just really good mates, but this actually makes a lot more sense when I think about it."

"So you're not disgusted?" Paul smiled.

"No," Stuart laughed. "I always kind of thought you might be a queer, to be honest.. So if you're from the future, what's it like?"

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