in which george is questioned

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 "You've got this, George. You have got this. I believe in you." George was on his way to the courtroom where he was to be questioned by President Wilson and Judge Matthews in front all of the most important people in the Fixing History Organization and Barney was in his ear, whispering words of encouragement the whole way there. "You're going to do amazing. You'll do great. You've got this."

"Mhm, thanks, Barney," George said nervously, not really paying attention.

"No need to thank me," Barney said, shrugging. "I'm just telling you the facts. The facts which are: I believe in you, you are going to do fabulously in there, you have so got this —"

"Where'd they take Paul?" George asked very quietly.

"To the courtroom," said Barney.

"Really?" George said.

"I think so," Barney said.

"He'll be there?" George said.

"I... think... so..." said Barney, sounding less certain than he had a moment earlier.

"You don't sound so certain," said George.

"Well, he'll — he'll probably be there," Barney said. "I don't know what to say, George. Do you want me to be honest or comforting?"

George stopped dead in his tracks and turned sideways to look at Barney face-to-face. "Honest. Always honest."

"Okay, okay," Barney said, nodding. "Point taken just keep walking." He held George's shoulder and steered him forward. Then he said in a voice quieter than a whisper, "Okay, honestly, I don't know. This has all happened very quickly and when we got here and they separated Paul from the two of us, I... I didn't know what to think. The only thing I can think of us that he'll be in the courtroom."

George nodded slowly. "Hey, Barney?"


"I can't do this."

Barney sighed. "George, I — I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

"No, it's not," George said, shaking his head. "No, Paul was right. You were right. This had to be done."

"You have to do this now, George," Barney said, frowning. "Like I said, no going back now."

"Yeah, but I can't," George said.

"George —"

"I'm gonna fuck it up, I know I am."

"No you won't," Barney said. He grasped George's shoulder a little tighter.

"I'm gonna fuck up," George said, his breath quickening. "I'm gonna slip up and say something I shouldn't and then they're gonna put me in the room —"

"The room?" Barney frowned.

"The room that drives people mad," George said, close to tears now.

"Oh, shit," Barney hissed. "Paul told you about the White Room."

"Well, that's good, isn't it?" George asked. "I mean, now I know what I'm up against... But then again, now I am so, so frightened and I don't think I can —"

"Okay, George, listen to me," Barney said, eyeing the double doors that they were now fast approaching. "It's good you know what you're up against, yes. Just let that drive you forward. Just be careful about what you say, answer all their questions no matter how personal or insensitive they may seen, and remember what we have told you. I know this is a lot to put on you and I am sorry, George, truly I am. I can't tell you how sorry I am. But you have to do this now."

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