in which paul sings to john

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      Paul tried to fall back to sleep after his nightmare, but he only got halfway there. He was stuck in that weird and terrible realm between consciousness and sleep, and he hated every moment of it. He could hear John's snores, but he could also see bits of his life - the first one - flitting by in front of his eyes. He heard words, all jumbled together, mumbled and screamed at the same time.

      "Found dead in his flat - "

     " - frankly, I miss Paris - "

     " - Paul, Mike...your mother is dead - "

     " - the lung cancer took him - "

     " - Martha's gone, she's really gone, after all the years she's - "

     " - sometimes I think you're the only one that I can really talk to, Macca - "

     " - the cancer has spread too far, there's nothing we can do to save her - "

     " - she's dead! She's not coming back and I can't - "

     " - shot seven times, pronounced dead upon arrival at - "

     " - how do you sleep at night, you cunt - "

     " - it's a girl - "

     " - I now pronounce you husband and wife - "

     " - I'm John Lennon - "

     " - Uncle Paul, guess what I did today - "

     " - the dream is over, McCartney - "

     " - look at me, Daddy - "

     " - maybe it's good John's not around right now. He lost enough people in his lifetime. He'd be heartbroken over Mimi - "

     " - I don't believe in Beatles - "

     " - can you believe what George fucking did - "

     "Think of me now and then, old friend."

     Paul woke up, sweating, his breathing labored, to find John sitting on the other bed a few feet away. Light was pouring in through window, indicating it was a new day. "John," he breathed.

     "I'm right here," John said and hurried over to him. "You're fine." He wrapped his arms tightly around Paul. "It's okay..."

     "John," Paul said shakily. "I don't know what to do..."

     John pressed the back of his hand to Paul's forehead. "You're still burning up, Macca. You're sick, okay? You just need some sleep and you'll be back to normal in no time at all."

     "Nothing is normal," Paul shook his head but John gently pushed him down so that he was laying down again. "Nothing has been normal in a long, long, long time, John."

      "Okay," John said. "Close your eyes and get some rest. I'm going to make you some tea and get you a bite to eat. I'll be back in a little while, all right?"

      Paul slowly closed his eyes but he didn't answer John. He began muttering to himself.

    John left the room and walked into the kitchen. George and Ringo were sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea and chatting in hushed voices. There was a surprisingly untouched bowl of cereal sitting in front of George. Ringo saw John walking into the room and quickly shushed George. "Morning, Johnny," Ringo said. "How is he?"

     John shook his head as he began making tea. "I don't know.. I mean, he's not very good, that's for sure. He's got a pretty high fever, still, and he just keeps saying these weird nonsense things he keeps insisting that I died and that nothing has been normal for a long time. It's really weird."

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