in which we take a look a marbella and darren's past

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    A girl with flawless, smooth dark skin laid on the ground upon a bed of orange and red and yellow and brown leaves. She wore a floral printed dress and a cream sweater. Her feet were bare and her dark hair was splayed out around her head like a halo. She held a dainty hand above her face, slender fingers moving slowly.

    A small fire was lit, but not on the ground. No, the fire sat on the air, and the girl who laid on the ground had created it with the power that she possessed.

    "Hello, Marbella, my love," a voice spoke.

    She looked up, then dropped her hand and leapt to her feet, the flames disappearing in an instant. "Darren!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck. "How did college hunting go?"

    "Great," he nodded. "But...I don't think I'm going to go to college. At least, not if I get this job that I've just applied for."

    "Oh? What job is this, then?" Marbella asked, slipping on her shoes.

    "There's this organization, it's very secretive.." Darren said. "I probably shouldn't even be telling you this, but since when do I not tell you something?" He smiled and she nodded eagerly in agreement as they began to walk. "I'll be able to use my powers, actually. It's called the Fixing History Organization, or F.H.O. for short. They use magic to time travel and fix things in history that were never supposed to happen."

    "That sounds amazing!" Marbella exclaimed as they walked up to Darren's car.

    "Did you walk here?" He asked her and she shook her head. They got into the car and drove off. "Anyway..yeah. I'm really excited."


     Marbella felt terribly out of place in her flowy gown and open toed shoes and hair falling wherever it pleased. She was surrounded by people of business who had their hair pinned up or slicked back against their skulls, their clothes were form fitting and their shoes were sensible.

     "Darren, who's that man?" Marbella asked her long time boyfriend when her gaze fell upon a particularly business looking man.

    "Oh, that's President Theodore Wilson," Darren said. "He's a very, er, severe man..but he's a brilliant leader."

     "Ah.." Marbella nodded slowly, and she turned away when the president shot a look her way. She quickly grabbed the glass of wine that was nearest to her and drained it. She wasn't sure just how much she liked Darren's work atmosphere, but she just kept telling herself that it wouldn't be often that she'd have to attend parties like this one. And it was worth it. She loved him. It was worth it.


    Marbella had always like the dark. Preferred it, actually.

     After taking the pregnancy test, she'd hurried to the basement, to the very back corner where she'd crouched down amidst the shadows to calm down.

     She wasn't sure what to think. A baby? She and Darren were so young, and his career was just beginning to kick off, and they weren't married nor were they engaged to be married. She wanted children, she did.. One day. But not now, not this early in her life. It was all too soon, too fast.

     "Bella? Are you okay?" Darren knew her better than anyone. He knew exactly where to find her when she was nowhere to be found, and he knew exactly what it meant. "What's the matter, darling?"

     Marbella blinked back tears before rising to her feet and throwing herself into Darren's arms.

     "What's wrong, 'Bella?" Darren frowned.

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