in which there is a secret weapon

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     Paul soon discovered that Barney, Tessa, and Stephanie weren't kidding around when they said that he wouldn't see them for a while. Months and months passed and there was no sign of them. The Beatles released their fifth album, Help!, and they toured and then late in 1965 they released Rubber Soul. They continued to tour even more after that and before Paul knew it, it was may again and a year had passed him by with no word from the Unknowables, the F.H.O., or even the Shadows.

     He wasn't very concerned, of course. They had warned him that this would happen. What he was concerned about was that it was 1966 now, and Barney, Tessa, and Stephanie had said that the F.H.O. would soon be putting their Plan B into action.

     He tried to push the thoughts from his mind whenever they surfaced.

     Late in May, just a few days after the five year anniversary of Paul arriving in 1961, Brian came to the band with an announcement. "You're going to attend a party tomorrow! There's going to be lots of things showcased there; paintings, sculptures, music, and so much more! It's going to be wonderful!"

     "Sounds boring," John grumbled.

     Brian narrowed his eyes at John. "And you'll all be on your very best behavior...right, John?"

      John just rolled his eyes.

     So the next day, Paul, John, George, and Ringo got dressed up in very nice suits and bow ties and all those things that John hated and George complained were uncomfortable, and Brian picked them up and they headed out to a party.

     Within ten minutes, John knew exactly what he thought of the people dressed to impress and the meaningless pieces of art hung on the walls and placed about the room and the less than mediocre live band, and he told Paul exactly what he thought of it.

     "This party is fucking stupid," he said.

     Paul laughed. "Remember what Brian said. Behave."

    "I can't behave, I'm surrounded by idiots," John huffed, frowning at the people passing by. He shook his head slowly. "I'm going to get drinks. I'll be back soon, okay?"

     "Yeah," Paul nodded, and he watched John go with a smile. Everything was right with world, nothing terrible was happening, it was almost too good to be true.

     Actually, it was too good to be true. As Paul's eyes scanned the crowd, his gaze fell on one woman in particular and his heart dropped into his stomach. Their eyes met for a second and her eyes lit up.

     "No," Paul said out loud, below his breath as the woman made her way through the crowd. She strode straight toward him. "No. Please, no."

     "You're Paul McCartney," she grinned when she made it over to him. She held a glass of wine in one hand. She extended the other hand which he tentatively and reluctantly shook. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yoko Ono."

     I know who you are, Paul thought to himself. Now get out, bitch.

     "H-hi," Paul said.

     A moment later, John was standing at his side with two drinks. "Hi, Paul. Who's this?" He asked, handing a drink to Paul. He looked less than pleased that he had to socialize with anyone other than Paul at the moment.

    "I'm Yoko, Yoko Ono," she spoke in that Japanese accent of hers that, right now, made Paul's skin crawl. "John Lennon, it is an honor to get to stand here and talk to you. I never thought I'd get to have a conversation with you. I'm such a big fan of yours."

     "Oh?" John smiled politely but he looked outrageously uninterested.

     "Yes, well, uh.." Yoko was taken aback by John's not wanting to speak to her and she couldn't think of a thing to say.

Break Me One More Time [McLennon]Where stories live. Discover now